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Heat pad and anti inflamotories ......


Do them heat pads do any thing for siatica.

No as its a nerve problem sciatica, however what happens is your muscles start to tighten to reduce the movement of your nerve and that causes more pain which heat pads would help with.

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Heat pad and anti inflamotories ......

Do them heat pads do any thing for siatica.

No as its a nerve problem sciatica, however what happens is your muscles start to tighten to reduce the movement of your nerve and that causes more pain which heat pads would help with.


sciatica is a twat of a thing, ive had it on/off for years, it affects how you walk, because you don't put your weight down equal when walking. the last bout of it lasted 16 weeks, you get that low with it, the pain takes over your life, you carnt think about anything else . all I do is try to keep active as I can, keep as light as you can as weight, makes it worse, and I found when in real pain lying down for 1 hour with few pain killers relived it a bit. but you just got to try and live with it, what pisses me off , Is people who dont suffer with back probs , either don't understand or don't think there feck all wrong with you, because they carnt (see) nothing wrong, the only way some people think is you got have leg or arm in plaster etc , before they believe you :yes: , and that's the last kind of atuide you need when got bad sciatica :yes:

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Get down the chiropractor if you have sciatica! I used to get it real bad and recently could hardly move! Got into a local chiropractic clinic and the difference is astonishing, I had a disc that was squashed a bit which was causing the pain. Too many fences vaulted over etc I reckon. Lots of gentle manipulation of my back and it's all but gone now!

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Google "Bowen technique" I have a friend who does it. Sent my boss to see her and he was suffering. Three sessions and it was gone. Now I believe he still visits every few months.


I'm a funny one with this mystical bollocks but I had a snowboard injury in 2003 and went to see her about in 2004 lol by this point my shoulder was pulled up by my muscle and fec was it sore..... 2 sessions and it was gone. funny thing is straight after she has finished you can look in the mirror and see your muscles resetting its bizarre. I do believe this only works for muscle related problems though ;)

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Google "Bowen technique" I have a friend who does it. Sent my boss to see her and he was suffering. Three sessions and it was gone. Now I believe he still visits every few months.


I'm a funny one with this mystical bollocks but I had a snowboard injury in 2003 and went to see her about in 2004 lol by this point my shoulder was pulled up by my muscle and fec was it sore..... 2 sessions and it was gone. funny thing is straight after she has finished you can look in the mirror and see your muscles resetting its bizarre. I do believe this only works for muscle related problems though ;)

she prob very good and by the sounds of it doing good job, but any disc probs that's been spoke of on here, wont do any good above. over the years ive tried the lot and spent a lot of money in doing so, and nothing ever worked for me, only laying flat for a hour or so with pain killers. but one thing can help a bit is when your back pain eases up a bit, do some swimming nothing mad just couple times a week 1 hour in the pool enough, just taking it easy, sometimes when my back was really hurting just floating on your back helped as well, just taking pressure of your lower back all helps.And after month or so doing the swimming it did help with my lower back . :yes:

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what about trying a massage parlour, :boogy:

Got any numbers ime fekin desprate lol.


there was good'un in Brum, but you come out with your water pistol in a sling :laugh: don't know about cramp , might go blind though :D

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