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How To Stop Them Whining?

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No im not asking how to stop the mrs whining because no man knows the answer to that!


But the pup on the other hand... She an absolute cracking pup could not ask for more except when i leave the house she does not stop whining until i return.. Even leaving her with the whippet she moans and howls which sets the whippet off and all goes to pot!

Shes an indoor dog but recently been keeping her in her cage in the garage in the daytime when im away, she still moans but no ones bothered because shes out the way but this is not fair on her...

Any ideas? Ive tryed radios.. Covering the cage so it's dark for her.. Chews.. Feeding before to help her sleep.

I walk her every morning and most nights.. I pay her no attention before leaving and returning..

Prob the collie in her ?

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Bit simplistic I know but very few problems I have had couldn't be solved by upping the exercise. I know it's a pup and you have to ltd the amount of exercise but if it's whining then it sin that tired. A good bone might help as well cheers

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I honestly don't think you can mate, never truly....


My first real running dog was frantic from when I left till I got home from work...but I was as obsessed with him, we would walk for hours , as in literally hours at a time most days and we had a cracking bond.....maybe allow the time you spend apart become shorter and more frequent..

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Separation anxiety,is usually our own fault .

When we have a pup we play with it,the kids play with it ,visitors fuss it .

Then we decide we don't want to constantly fuss the cute pup .

They have been used to all of he attention they have been getting as being normal .So they whine ,we go and seenwhats the matter and fuss them.

They are addicted to our attention ,and it only now comes when they whine.

Little bits of time alone ,getting longer over a bit of time hopefully should grow out of it .

I've done exactly the same thing with a pup I have here ,he still whines but he realises it don't get the attention he craves.

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Separation anxiety,is usually our own fault .

When we have a pup we play with it,the kids play with it ,visitors fuss it .

Then we decide we don't want to constantly fuss the cute pup .

They have been used to all of he attention they have been getting as being normal .So they whine ,we go and seenwhats the matter and fuss them.

They are addicted to our attention ,and it only now comes when they whine.

Little bits of time alone ,getting longer over a bit of time hopefully should grow out of it .

I've done exactly the same thing with a pup I have here ,he still whines but he realises it don't get the attention he craves.

That is correct roybo, aso making a big fuss when you leave or especially when u come home and they are all excited to see you, i walk straight past her for atleast 20 minutes then say hello, she will get there grow out of it hopfully

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