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Mouth Ulcers

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Bleedin things are getting on my nerves now making it hard to eat have five of them in my mouth, does anyone know a quick way of getting rid of them it seems every time I get hit in the mouth or jaw area My mouth explodes with them, tried salt washing and all sorts, anyone else get them or know how to get rid of quickly ? Thanks CJ

Edited by CushtyJook
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.....or PCP would take your mind off them....

The pepper Probally did more than bionjella atleast and it unblocked my nose

Big tablespoon of pepper and hold it in your mouth for a minute. Let us know how you get on.

Most get them if they are run down, exercising hard etc difficult to sort once formed other than let them run their course. If you treat at the first signs then these

help, a day or so treatment can stop em forming. see gp for script

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Sorry, couldn't resist it.

When I was an apprentice butcher if I cut myself the boss would tell us to go to a cupboard and find the grey powder and rub it in the cut.

You'd hear us (the other apprentices as well) screaming from down the road. It never did work and after a couple of times I found out the powder was pork seasoning.


I used to suffer from mouth ulcers and haven't had them since I stopped drinking a few beers from the tin and pour it in the glass now.

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I suffered for years bloody big Ones to.if I used to a cut due to scrapping as a kid by Jesus did I suffer.but I lived abroad for ten yrd and did not nowere near as many.I ate loads of garlic.ginger.water etc and did not drink tea to much whilst over there.maybe that's it.but sanjin watermelon frost powder from China really helps

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