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Same Old Question? (Maybe)

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It's 17 HMR.   There isn't an answer to your question, it's about the acoustics of the specific area and the history of the rabbit population.   You can blat away at them all day in some places at

Basc lol they fuckers have already sold your soul to the devil along with lead based ammunition

Don't bother with the HMR unless your permission is perfect for that round (e.g. very little wind is a must!). Go for a .22 RM and a .22 CF. That should cover all what you want for the moment.


Regarding your initial question regarding the sound of the HMR? There is no correct answer as too many variables come into play (e.g. terrain). I shoot mainly in hilly areas. My HMR used to sound like a large CF due to the sound bouncing off the hills.

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  On 13/04/2015 at 12:53, jacknife said:

Depends where you are


Hmr or Cf to the chest of a fox are both going to kill it

But the HMR will NOT humanely kill a fox with a chest shot past 80 yards. Believe me I hold my hands up and done it, hence why I have now sold the hmr and got a .22-250


Nobody is doubting that the hmr is inadequate for fox but it certainly will kill a fox wheather or not it drops on the spot is a different matter. Head shot is a must, with my .22-250 I can honestly say I've never had a runner I've had the odd nerve twitch and that's it.

Edited by shropshire dan
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I am now of the thought that my AA s410 will take the bunnies where I can stalk up to, therefore a 17HMR would be great for long range rabbits and the occasional fox to maybe 60 yds.


I am thinking that leaves me with the option of a .22lr if the above does not suffice, I suppose the best way is to spend a lot more time on the permissions and see exactly what I need for where?


It seems I would be spending out a lot of money for a .22lr when the S410 would be capable of most of the work I would use the .22lr for, or have I got it wrong?, I realize if I take rabbits out at 60yds with the HMR that it will make a mess, but I would still have the short range pcp shot rabbits for meat/ sale as well as the HMR head shot rabbits?


I suppose what I have to consider is that the shoot is for pest control and if at the end of the day the rabbits are not fit to sell it doea not matter, as long as the farmer and the rest of the syndicate are happy with my results thats what counts?




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  On 13/04/2015 at 20:39, kimgary said:

I am now of the thought that my AA s410 will take the bunnies where I can stalk up to, therefore a 17HMR would be great for long range rabbits and the occasional fox to maybe 60 yds.


I am thinking that leaves me with the option of a .22lr if the above does not suffice, I suppose the best way is to spend a lot more time on the permissions and see exactly what I need for where?


It seems I would be spending out a lot of money for a .22lr when the S410 would be capable of most of the work I would use the .22lr for, or have I got it wrong?, I realize if I take rabbits out at 60yds with the HMR that it will make a mess, but I would still have the short range pcp shot rabbits for meat/ sale as well as the HMR head shot rabbits?


I suppose what I have to consider is that the shoot is for pest control and if at the end of the day the rabbits are not fit to sell it doea not matter, as long as the farmer and the rest of the syndicate are happy with my results thats what counts?




I think the 22lr is a must have calibre it will take rabbits at 100 yards


You can also use it on fox at sensible ranges


Out of all my rifles its the most used after that comes the Hmr then the CF calibres

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Their reaction would depend on how educated the rabbits were in the first place. If you can stay concealed and account for all you aim at you can get decent numbers with both calibers. The .22 will always have a place in my cabinet but I reckon with an HMR and a little patience you could clear a field of rabbits irrespective of the extra noise.

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  On 13/04/2015 at 11:43, nasher1 said:

a hmr will dispatch a fox to 150 yards if the accuracy is there i saw a chap shoot one stone dead at 172 yards checked with a rangefinder prior to the shot whilst zeroing and practising



You can shoot a fox dead at any range in theory provided you have around 40-50ft lbs of energy left in the bullet. Whether or not it's both humane, and an instant death that is repeatable, time after time is another matter.


Personally I wouldn't shoot an animal the size of a fox without a headshot with a HMR and even then at limited range not least of which because of the wind drift as much as the lack of energy at range. A 20gr is a small light bullet. The HMR extends the humane range beyond the .22LR but not as far as the CF calibres.


As I said above, a CF is a much better tool for fox but equally as Deker said, everything has a range / use. It's about finding the best tools for the prey at the ranges you commonly shoot.

Edited by Alsone
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At the end of the day I think people should practice more, if you cant headshot a fox at 100 yards with a hmr you shouldn,t be pulling the trigger, its not fair on the animal, I think a lot of people are forgetting a rule which was taught to me from a young age don't shoot at any live quarry until your marksmanship is good enough to administer a clean kill.

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  On 13/04/2015 at 22:11, Alsone said:


  On 13/04/2015 at 11:43, nasher1 said:

a hmr will dispatch a fox to 150 yards if the accuracy is there i saw a chap shoot one stone dead at 172 yards checked with a rangefinder prior to the shot whilst zeroing and practising



You can shoot a fox dead at any range in theory provided you have around 40-50ft lbs of energy left in the bullet. Whether or not it's both humane, and an instant death that is repeatable, time after time is another matter.


Personally I wouldn't shoot an animal the size of a fox without a headshot with a HMR and even then at limited range not least of which because of the wind drift as much as the lack of energy at range. A 20gr is a small light bullet. The HMR extends the humane range beyond the .22LR but not as far as the CF calibres.


As I said above, a CF is a much better tool for fox but equally as Deker said, everything has a range / use. It's about finding the best tools for the prey at the ranges you commonly shoot.



It is indeed, and the 17g V-Max is even lighter, but will tend to do far more damage, and in the vast majority of situations is the HMR bullet of choice for fox!

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  On 14/04/2015 at 06:03, nasher1 said:

At the end of the day I think people should practice more, if you cant headshot a fox at 100 yards with a hmr you shouldn,t be pulling the trigger, its not fair on the animal, I think a lot of people are forgetting a rule which was taught to me from a young age don't shoot at any live quarry until your marksmanship is good enough to administer a clean kill.

Easier said than done sometimes


I don't know anyone who lamps who always goes for a head shot


I am normally in a car shooting out the window so I always go for the chest

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  On 14/04/2015 at 10:29, jacknife said:


  On 14/04/2015 at 06:03, nasher1 said:

At the end of the day I think people should practice more, if you cant headshot a fox at 100 yards with a hmr you shouldn,t be pulling the trigger, its not fair on the animal, I think a lot of people are forgetting a rule which was taught to me from a young age don't shoot at any live quarry until your marksmanship is good enough to administer a clean kill.

Easier said than done sometimes


I don't know anyone who lamps who always goes for a head shot


I am normally in a car shooting out the window so I always go for the chest

it was a general marksmanship point i was making but if you are lamping from a truck surely you have a steady rest to shoot from
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