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Flying Your Country's Flag Makes You A Simpleton And Casual Racist...

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Stop pandering to their every whim would be a good place to start .....

I suppose if English and UK flag had a star and a moon on it this would be more pleaseing.   It shows how a goverment can twist and change peoples views through propaganda to get them in order with

And yet in the face of overwhelming evidence of the race replacing, nation destroying going on, we still have people who refuse to see what is going on, I am afraid it will end badly, what a racist wa

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Pesky do you have or have you had any continual contact with members of the Islamic religion as you always seem to be fighting their corner and I wonder how much you actually know about them and their religion ......

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That's not happening though is it?


Voting isn't going to change it, either. The apologist is clearly entrenched in Westminster.


If anyone here is willing to read their holy book it clearly documents what they have in store for the west.


So what next?

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Well as I see it the only hope is to get somebody in power in Westminster that's not been brought up in a private school that has shielded them from the real world and somebody that isn't afraid to upset a few people with their beliefs and views on what is actually happening to this country ......

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Well as I see it the only hope is to get somebody in power in Westminster that's not been brought up in a private school that has shielded them from the real world and somebody that isn't afraid to upset a few people with their beliefs and views on what is actually happening to this country ......


I agree with you, actually!


The problem with that is that there isn't anyone available for that. The two party system, we have, is so entrenched that anything different is quickly ripped to bits in the media. Anything different is political suicide, and these people want power and money. They don't want to be discarded. So they play the game.


Look at Ukip... Both parties now have someone to turn their dogs on. Regardless of their policies they've been destroyed in the media. We have generations of people that vote based on what their parents do because that's the way they were raised.


Look at this forum when the bullshit propaganda stories hit the headlines... We lap it up like cats!


Socks. You and I have been on this forum for over a decade. We see the same political/religious/race threads recycled over, and over, again. We were on here when Labour banned hunting. We were over on the old gaff when the twin towers came down. The only change we see are the faces calling the shots. The names change but the status quo is maintained.


It's a funny 'ol world isn't it

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Well as I see it the only hope is to get somebody in power in Westminster that's not been brought up in a private school that has shielded them from the real world

That rules Farage out then...

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To the original comment, though, flying your countries flag doesn't make you a racist or a simpleton.


However flying an England flag, with a company logo on it, makes you a f***ing moron.

Edited by ChrisJones
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The best we can hope for is a conservative ukip coalition ... Otherwise we will be even deeper in the shit than we are now .......

f**k knows what this chaps politics are but got to be a move in the right direction for UK politics in general. Might interest you Socks.



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The timing of the story is genius.


Wrangling for control of the party, before an election, in a tory newspaper.

LOL, yeah. I wasn't so interested in what the journo had to say as I was a career soldier turning to politics.


Can't be bad for British politics?

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