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Walking home 3 am one morning after doing some lambing for someone, all of a sudden me dog darts into the hedge hackles up, the hedge yells and this dodgy looking bloke comes out yelling 'I didn;t know you had a f*cking dog'.

I ran like the wind th rest of the way home, and to this day don't use lanes or roads ofter dark!

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in an insane world, is it not better to be a bit mad ? Lets be honest pal ,the lurcher section is made up mostly of a bunch of fuckers out on there own walkin through fields, grave yards, dark lanes

I often lamp alone and had walked a few fields one night and had stopped for a smoke. as I started rolling I heard a loud scream then a pain in my hand followed by legs like lead. The dog had had snif

He might have been a pedaphile but hes not a two timing b*****d so back off pal !!

Walking home 3 am one morning after doing some lambing for someone, all of a sudden me dog darts into the hedge hackles up, the hedge yells and this dodgy looking bloke comes out yelling 'I didn;t know you had a f*cking dog'.

I ran like the wind th rest of the way home, and to this day don't use lanes or roads ofter dark

best you were angry with the dog for that if it wasn't for him you could of got some action

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haha might be it never thought of that ha

Have to pass through a grave yard to get to one of my lamping spots. Walking through one night on my own and the lurcher just stopped and started barking at one of the headstones

i shoot a spot that I'll to pass a grave yard and I've to lead up my gsp to get her to go by it ha weird bitch
with her superior sence of smell she can probably detect even the smallest amount of poo in your undies and just doesnt want to walk near you. Lol
im on form today. I crack myself up ! Its just a shame i cant hit the like button on my own posts
Edited by jack44
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By the sound of it I'm lucky compared to some of you,I walk round lamping fields ok until I go up a certain lane only a short distance and I'm sure it's haunted,makes me feel like I'm being followed I've grown up in the country and feel more at home there than in a city,first time I've ever felt like that

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Some mad fuckers on here lol there is something that puts the shit up my back regular when I'm in the middle of a field in Lincolnshire and farmers and police start to block you in then the helicopter comes over and I'm hiding in a drainage pipe always scares me

in an insane world, is it not better to be a bit mad ? Lets be honest pal ,the lurcher section is made up mostly of a bunch of fuckers out on there own walkin through fields, grave yards, dark lanes and even mad fuckers hiding in drain pipes from the cops at 3 am while normal people are asleep in there beds .. i dont know many dogmen that arnt a little mad. Long live the mad b*****ds !!!
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I often lamp alone and had walked a few fields one night and had stopped for a smoke. as I started rolling I heard a loud scream then a pain in my hand followed by legs like lead. The dog had had sniffed the electric fence which my mate was running off the mains for the cattle.i d got the the shock cos I had him on a length of cord and the b*****d had bit me as well.And I d thrown a full pouch of golden Virginia up in the air

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I was out with my daughter in the dublin mountains having a mooch one day with the dogs and we got a smell we thought it was a dead fox or deer so went to have a nose and it was a bloke covered with black bags I got some fright and got out of there he was found a few days later he was after been shot

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Out with a friend ferreting one day. Ferret had hold of a rabbit under ground near enough an entrance but was just out of reach. My pal dug down but ferret and rabbit had moved a bit so he was shoulder deep with his hand down the hole feeling around to try grab it. But while his head was facing away from me i reached up the entrance and grabbed him by the hand and let a roar. Poor f****r nearly shit his pants.

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Some mad fuckers on here lol there is something that puts the shit up my back regular when I'm in the middle of a field in Lincolnshire and farmers and police start to block you in then the helicopter comes over and I'm hiding in a drainage pipe always scares me

in an insane world, is it not better to be a bit mad ? Lets be honest pal ,the lurcher section is made up mostly of a bunch of fuckers out on there own walkin through fields, grave yards, dark lanes and even mad fuckers hiding in drain pipes from the cops at 3 am while normal people are asleep in there beds .. i dont know many dogmen that arnt a little mad. Long live the mad b*****ds !!!
mate you are right pal think there has to be a bit of madness in us all some very good story's boys really enjoying them
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I often lamp alone and had walked a few fields one night and had stopped for a smoke. as I started rolling I heard a loud scream then a pain in my hand followed by legs like lead. The dog had had sniffed the electric fence which my mate was running off the mains for the cattle.i d got the the shock cos I had him on a length of cord and the b*****d had bit me as well.And I d thrown a full pouch of golden Virginia up in the air

in actual stitches of laughter reading that lol
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