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Hello All,


So after a few months I have decided to sell my PCP and go back to spingers for a while.


I was wondering if any one has any advice on hunting with the HW 77k .22?


obviously a full power hunter so any advice on choice of scope?


any preferred pellet?

obviously I enjoy throwing pellets down the range and finding out but 10 tins of pellets can rack up so if I could narrow it down.. JSB exacts look good (on youtube) as do superdomes and HTT. JSB's are my preferred (hell of a wack but I have heard bisley magnums are ok? I found they drop off super quick on the sub - 12's with this pellet in the past but a decent grouping with their solid take down power I may use them if they perform well.


It does not come with a silencer, is the Bisley #6 any good? or is it a negligible difference? mostly night time hunting rabbits.


I started shooting springers so I know the difference and call me crazy but I sort of prefer it.. It makes it a bit more of a challenge, I cant speak for anyone else but its how I feel when I shoot...


any way any and all help would be amazing and hopefully I can start a bit of a 77 kit debate (pictures of sexy 77's will definetly float my boat today haha)


any help would be great..


ATB ade

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Pianoman will answer this better than most, owning one.


For me, and I only ref my 97 set up, pretty much the same apart from looks.


Heavy 4-14 Sidewinder and 5.52 Fields man. Bag filler indeed.

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Thank you Rez... We had a similar thread started by me and that's why I have gone for the 77 on Pianomans advice. so a heavy sidewinder, and fields at 5.52! Thanks mate! How does she cope with extras added? Light, lazer etc? Heavy guns it tends to balance well am assuming it will. I shoot mostly at night so will have to get used to the extra weight but am a big boy can cope lol!

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Just get them tuned and polished Ade


next to no recoil


and next to no noise when fired


cocking is silent and smooth


i have this done to all my rifles(springers) regardless of make and model


some turn out like a pcp near as any way


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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The best pellet will be whichever pellet your barrel prefers. Get a JSB Test tin, which contains different head sizes, and that should point you in the right direction. Just remember to season the barrel with 10-20 shots with a new pellet before shooting for groups to determine its accuracy potential.

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