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Hey there all!


Just been watching some videos on slingshots and such but its hard to find any catapults for beginners and that... Been looking at a Deled Stainless Steel on Amazon UK and i think ill get it with 6mm ammunition (500 i think) but if anyone has any better ideas?


Also as far as ive read from people im not sure where i can go shooting it? Do i need to be on land with permission or am i aloud in council owned woodland that has public footpaths and such?


Im not stupid, i know i shouldn't go firing it down town and such! haha

But im interested where i can go! If anybody knows any good places? That would be helpful :)


- Jay

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I thought about the 9.5mm but my elastic is the heavy thick sort, its a much weaker sort and videos are suggesting only heavy ammo for strong elastic, and haha :D :D :D I would love to stay legal with it mate!;)


You want 9.5mm or bigger mate ;) and you can go any where you like as long as you can run and don't get cought

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Theres an allotment thats quite large and a few pigeons up there but theyre too clever for me XD


I would but its a lot of hassle to take a picture from my ipod to put to my computer, my old catty is useless, going in the bin pretty much now haha

Ill take a pic on probably wednesday/thurs of the new one with the ammo.

Can i see your slingshot?

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