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Patterdale keeps running off!

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Each to their own..........try not to beat up to many terriermen when you are out :laugh:



Try not getting caught doing it then, im sure im not the only one who thinks like that!


try getting yourself a punch bag to get that excess tension out kid, one of them mutz may turn on u one day!

now that would be f00king funny! :haha:

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Look idiot........I am not advocating a regular thrashing, what I am saying is they will come to recognise the change in your voice prior to a thrashing and thus respond better to your commands..it works


Now I dont know what the range is on your water sprayer, but you must have to drive round in a fire truck to reach 2 or 300 meters........and as for your loud noise, you must go around like a one man band.


I think you have been watching to much "Dog Borstal"..........you asked for advice and people gave it, if you choose to use that advice is up to you!


As for sayiing who you would give a kicking.......well thats all a bit empty on the net aint it :thumbs:

Dont be going to a gundog trial, as you will end up fighting all day long.


Good luck with your dog.

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I have to say that I agree with you Wilf: that's a first, I think! LOL. Terriers were bred to be tough independant little sods, so it stands to reason that they need treating a wee bit more sternly than a lurcher, for example. My terriers respect me, and they've learned that respect the hard way, usually by giving them a damn good shaking by the scruff, but they still come to me when I call and we'll have a bit of a play and roll about (though not in the mud :D ).

Most of them are like that, though I've one to which even a raised voice is enough: the others need putting in their place every now and again, though I do find that a certain type of call which means "get here quick I've found something for you to kill" gets them running to me a damn sight faster than any threats or titbits.

I like the 'have a fight' idea as well: tht agression needs some outlet after all doesn't it?

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Have to say, there has always been a time with my dogs that they get smacked for not returning. And as Wilf said, they then know that tone in your voice so you rarely if ever have to do it again.

Its not just as simple as catching them, hitting them, putting them on a lead though. Once chastised mine are allowed away again immediately, but within a split second are called back, praised to the hilt. Then sent away again, a little further, called back...praise again etc. I do this about 3 times, then before it gets the chance to fail again, dog is put back on lead and we go home on a positive. They are not stupid, they work it out pretty quick. I cannot call my dog back from every situation, wish i could but most times we are SAFE and that at the end of the day is the most important thing.

It wont work for every dog, and im not advocating beating a dog to death. One of my terriers was just too hard, didn't care less no matter what i did. So i threw her out of the pack. Being chased away by me, not allowed to re-join us was more terrifying than any pain.

Now before anyone gets on their high horse and calls me all the cruel bitches, ask ANYONE who has met me and my dogs, as them if they are quivering wrecks. It works for me and mine so i am quite happy to continue with my method of training. After all another dog would chastise a pack member much more aggressivley than i would ever be able to.



I will add, make sure you know what your terrier is doing when you are trying to recall. If it is in thick cover, hot on the trail of a bunny etc, you recall it and it ignores you, so you hit it, you are just gonna completely confuse the hell out of it. When mine are pups i put bells on their collars, that way i know exactly where they are and have a good idea what they are doing. So no needless recall if they are actually working as i want them to.

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Look idiot........I am not advocating a regular thrashing, what I am saying is they will come to recognise the change in your voice prior to a thrashing and thus respond better to your commands..it works


Now I dont know what the range is on your water sprayer, but you must have to drive round in a fire truck to reach 2 or 300 meters........and as for your loud noise, you must go around like a one man band.


I think you have been watching to much "Dog Borstal"..........you asked for advice and people gave it, if you choose to use that advice is up to you!


As for sayiing who you would give a kicking.......well thats all a bit empty on the net aint it :thumbs:

Dont be going to a gundog trial, as you will end up fighting all day long.


Good luck with your dog.



wilf are you able to call anyone an idiot really? saying that your on the internet and u probably dont get this chance often in everyday life! :whistling:


If you get down by thrashing your dog, sipping on homemade cider and nailing your sister then who am i to pass comment. I am simply saying how does beating a dog for lack of recall make them want to come back in the future!?


It just doesn't make any sence!? it will just associate that treatment with coming back to you everytime there after.


I have grabbed him by the scruff of the neck many times for getting rough with me or other dogs, just never found the need to smack him or any of my previus dogs for that matter.


In a crazy way I can almost see some sence in the 'tone of your voice' comments, but you have only mentioned them now and not on any previous post. As for me saying that i would give someone a kicking, that was in reply to your original post on the other thread, where you simply said smack the c**t. I have seen good dogs turned both ways from harsh treatment like one good clout across the head, either extremely shy and nervious to nasty little b*stards!


as you have already mentioned this thread is for advice so if thats yours then thanks, but i will continue what im doing and look for input from other users!

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I would never advocate beating a dog and I'm sure wilf isn't either but I have enough sense to realise that not everything can be cured with praise and titbits. Sometimes a correction must be physical and this level depends on the temperament and character of the individual dog...........

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Some people make me laugh! A dog has a pack mentality. Just look at how an alpha male wolf controls it's pack. A few vocal warnings at first, then a bite to any one of them who steps out of line. I'm not advocating beating a dog, but there may come a time when vocal commands wont work, and the only thing that it will understand is a clout. You may only have to do it once, but it will work. I wish people wouldn't try to humanise animals, the relationship between man and dog is not equal, dogs don't understand being an equal, they only understand being dominant or being dominated. It's up to you which way round it is.

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if your dog is stubburn and likes to run off

after rabbits and squirils what happens when it sees a sheep?

you can give it all the squirts you want your dog is

bred to hunt and if he gets it into his head he will do what he wants.

i dissagee with what was said about being heavy handed with dogs

the is more out of control dogs ruined by owners .

see them in the park and in the field.

as was said earlier they will dominate if not dominated.

a smack of a paper when young and a firm voice from then on.

keep the dog on the lead if you dont want him hunting.

all the best


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