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Lamping The Fields Alone

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Sometimes go alone would go into graveyard at 3 in the morning for rabbit,funny when you have dog and lamp miles for houses u just think next rabbit,meet 2 hunting lads one night driving around and they said ur not going down there on ur own,hunters go through it,but d'ont look at ghost hunters anymore only get in the way when i am lamping on my own.but if hair ever stands on dog and he growls in the middle of no where looking in the hedge I'm gone ha ha never happen.

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For me lamping is all about getting away.... I love it but in the depths of winter I've had a few close scrapes like the time I fell into a stream and got soaked through in -16 temperatures! Luckily I made it back to the car and got the heat on... Never been so cold!!!!

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I've got no choice but to lamp alone. most of my mates are into rifle shooting so always lamp from a truck.

Only friends I have that lamp with dogs are 100 miles away And I've got to invite them down for a mooch on my permission so it'd hard to sort.

I love being out at night when everyone else is tucked up, I'll walk bloody miles on me own.


only spooky thing I've had was a pair of eyes light up near the hedge and the the dog wouldn't leave me side? Walked on and they followed me for a while but the dog would watch them but not leave of my knee. Every time I put the lamp on behind me they were still there in the hedge. Imagination took over and I thought I was being stalked by a beasty!

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