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At My Wits End With The Stress Of Poachers

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I did a bit of pest control on a place that sounds like that... If there's Big stuff running around like there was on this place.. I gave up the ferreting and left it to the Shooters..The place obviously needs a cull or they wouldn't be having the problems there having...The place I went was getting hammered by 4X4 over night going across the fairways and ripping up the greens...The green keeper was having kittens every night.


I will continue until the carrots that are dangling are removed...Full stop..End of.

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  On 08/04/2015 at 08:50, Malt said:


  On 07/04/2015 at 21:55, Fieldsporthunter said:


  On 07/04/2015 at 21:23, jamesS410 said:

If it was me I'd keeping getting the police in as a matter of principal! Scum poaching does nobody any favours, it portrays airgunners in a bad light generally and speaking as a farmer the damage they do and the general levels of intimidation (threats of physical violence, retaliatory vandalism etc) puts any poacher right at the bottom of the pond, hopefully they get what they deserve whilst the rest of us can have a good laugh when they get the book thrown at them (or more likely get a slap on the wrist and told not to be so naughty in future :( ).

This site has loads of scummy poachers on here . . . I am one of them.
You're not a very good/sensible one if you're announcing it to all and sundry on the Internet..
Thanks for your concern. . . .
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The only problem I could see with what your doing the lads that your ringing the police on might have been going on said golf course longer then you have been living in that area and what your forgetting as you have said you have the permission all around said golf course cos if there not on the golf course they will be going somewhere else

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  On 09/04/2015 at 16:43, timmytree said:


  On 09/04/2015 at 15:59, BIGLURKS said:

The only problem I could see with what your doing the lads that your ringing the police on might have been going on said golf course longer then you have been living in that area and what your forgetting as you have said you have the permission all around said golf course cos if there not on the golf course they will be going somewhere else

So if they've been poaching there a long time that makes it right? I have trouble understanding that logic, a poacher/thief/criminal is just that no matter how long he's been stealing from a piece of land. The OP has the legitimate shooting rights, not the poachers.
I dint say he dint have the legal rights I only gave advice on the way a poacher thinks some folk will take it on the chin some will get even for someone being a snitch everyone has there reasons why they poach some do it cos that's the way they were brought up or the stories there told as kids it might even be the rush cos if you think your scared of the boogey Man wait till you hear footsteps and twigs cracking when your in the dark somewhere you shouldn't be perhaps it feels like Robin Hood too them steal from the rich give too the poor all that crap and some do it just cos there criminals and will steal anything they can get there hands on call it what you want but it's traditon too some folk your old grandad teaching you too shine some salmon or how too use a gaff being shown how too gut and skin a deer under the moon or ways too neck roosting birds and they will probably teach there kids when they have there own too maybe folk get taught these things cos you can be rich you can be poor you can be shit out of luck and homeless but you won't go hungry
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I remember the farmers sons catching two poachers one Christmas when we were earning some xmas money plucking turkeys as kids.

The poachers got pasted good style in the farm yard.

They never bothered the farm again, - old fashioned yes, did it work ? - oh yes !


Crip the farmer would have said " Yes and thank you for your concern of my farm"

Edited by mark williams
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  On 09/04/2015 at 18:52, mark williams said:

I remember the farmers sons catching two poachers one Christmas when we were earning some xmas money plucking turkeys as kids.

The poachers got pasted good style in the farm yard.

They never bothered the farm again, - old fashioned yes, did it work ? - oh yes !


Crip the farmer would have said " Yes and thank you for your concern of my farm"


I talk a lot of shit and if I continue to do so I will be removed from this forum. It's people like myself and my opinions which shine a bad light on everyone else.

Edited by moxy
Talking shite
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im old fashioned myself and poachers are not poachers nowadays, they are thugs who can't get there own permissions, my grandfather used to say you wouldnt know a poacher gad been in his day because they respected the land an took just what they needed, but thats long gone as we all know.... keep it and keep the police coming should they return

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