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Can A Terrier Be Any Good If Its Not Line Family Or Inter Bred

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It is unfortunate we can't discuss the full working abilities of individual Terriers and what they have done, prior to being considered worthy of breeding from. Even taking the Ancestry into the equat

Gus and Sid, Gus is the smaller cobby one. He's by Sid and out of Treacle, Treacle is Floyd x Reeces Roxy, all original blood.

Nope, sorry FD she was totally unrelated and breeding unknown ! :-) When you come across an animal that impresses you so much you've got to try and bring it in. The pups from that litter are still

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Breeding helps but down to the individual dog some will work and yourll get the odd one that will work its hart out for ya . Got a kc bitch with show breeding thats shut many people up she may be show bred bitch or a one off but but brought her up as a worker and more than puts heart on the line below ground . Atb

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  On 06/04/2015 at 19:55, marshman said:

Nope a terrier can't be any good unless it's line bred , don't waste youre time with plain old worker to worker as you won't get one that works as good as a line bred dog .

just in case anyone didn't know but , I feel obligated to give a sarcastic answer when someone asks a dumb question ?.
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I don't know but could someone explain to me why it is the case that line bred are generally better workers as when I was a lad me dad worked Russell's don't think any of them were line bred but they worked as far as I'm aware

Edited by leethedog
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Line breeding is based on repicating your original stock. Therefore your root stock has to be good to start with. So make sure when you invest yourself with a line, that it is a line of dogs that suit your needs. Many people breed worker to worker to improve stock, wereas line breeding is more about maintaining traits through generations. Hope that helps.

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worker to worker is less restricted than line breeding. going worker to worker you have the pick of any decent worker regardless of type or breed. where line breeding you can only stay within the constraints of that line. thats how i see it :laugh: .

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