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Will Farage Win His Seat In Thanet?

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The poll shows Ukip one point behind the Conservatives, with Labour one point behind them. The findings are a significant concern for Ukip, given that a Survation poll in February showed the party10 points ahead, a result that was taken as an endorsement of the hard work Farage had done in the seat.

Ukip dismissed the latest poll as rogue and based on weak methodology, but on Sunday ComRes published its workings and won support form other pollsters such as YouGov. Party activists now acknowledge that the fight to win the Kent seat is much closer and more volatile than previously thought.

Farage told the BBC three weeks ago that he would “probably win” the seat, and has said he will quit as Ukip leader if he does not. In an appearance on Radio 5 Live, the Ukip campaigner Diane James MEP said she would not be worried at all if Farage stood down.

“We’ve got a very high calibre of individuals within Ukip,


Isn't looking good for him, and he says he'll stand down as leader if he doesn't win it.


The real question is would the party survive without their front man? How many UKIP candidates/MEPs other than Farage can the average man on the street even name?


I reckon without Farage getting headlines and airtime UKIP will die a death, say what you want about the man but he made the party what it is today, how many people had even heard of UKIP before Farage took the reigns?

Edited by BGD
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The poll shows Ukip one point behind the Conservatives, with Labour one point behind them. The findings are a significant concern for Ukip, given that a Survation poll in February showed the party10 points ahead, a result that was taken as an endorsement of the hard work Farage had done in the seat.


Ukip dismissed the latest poll as rogue and based on weak methodology, but on Sunday ComRes published its workings and won support form other pollsters such as YouGov. Party activists now acknowledge that the fight to win the Kent seat is much closer and more volatile than previously thought.


Farage told the BBC three weeks ago that he would “probably win” the seat, and has said he will quit as Ukip leader if he does not. In an appearance on Radio 5 Live, the Ukip campaigner Diane James MEP said she would not be worried at all if Farage stood down.


“We’ve got a very high calibre of individuals within Ukip,


Isn't looking good for him, and he says he'll stand down as leader if he doesn't win it.


The real question is would the party survive without their front man? How many UKIP candidates/MEPs other than Farage can the average man on the street even name?


I reckon without Farage getting headlines and airtime UKIP will die a death, say what you want about the man but he made the party what it is today, how many people had even heard of UKIP before Farage took the reigns?


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With all the negative media against ukip you can see the real scope of how badly the big two are shitting it.


EDIT: The only poll that matters is the election.


If he promised to leave his seat, if not elected, and he doesn't you know he's just like the rest of them.

Edited by ChrisJones
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Even Those Slating Him Must Admit He's Rattled The Big Party's Cages . . Why . . Because He's Said What Most Of Us Think Concerning Imigration & The Terrorist Threat , Cameron , Milliband & The Others Know He's Right Concerning This But Haven't The Bottle To Say It & If It Isn't Addressed It Will Only Get Worse , Plus When Mass Murder Is Commited (And It Will Be) Not 1 Person Who Vote For Those Who've Already Showed There Weakness Should Have A Right To Moan As If They Think These Spineless Barstards Will After This Election Change There Playing Dangerous Games . . Does That Sound Over The Top Well Just Look How They Reacted When Lee Rigby Was Butchered . . Basically They Said The Right Things But Didn't Give A Flying Fukc !!

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The woman who would probably take over from him is Diane James, I watched her on a debate with a bunch of East London students. It was a very hostile group of many ethnicities, as you would expect, and I thought considering it really was a no win situation, she did very well.

She is no Farage, but then again he is up there with the best orators right now.

So UKIP will carry on regardless, it will be a massive blow and set back but I think the foundations are laid and they are here to stay.

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Guest ragumup

Shepp ..Diane James has stepped down mate but I think Suzanne Evans could fill his boots ...

anyway its not happened yet ...

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Thinking about it, I don't think any of the major leaders look particularly safe.....


If Cameron fails to secure a majority for a second time, he will almost certainly face a leadership challenge. He has already stated that he wouldn't compete for a third term, so (if he does win next month) his second term will only be 3 years or so, to allow his successor a good run at the 2020 election. Will the electorate vote for a man who has no intention of seeing the job through?


Millipede has the vultures circling, and there have already been several spates of rumours about his continued leadership. If a coalition with SNP/Plaid Cymru proved necessary, could he survive the almost certain lurch to the Left that would follow ? His position seems to be dependant on the scale of Labour's projected losses in Scotland.


Clegg's hold on his Sheffield seat looks tenuous. If he were to lose it, would his party accept a leader without a Westminster seat, let alone one with such a spectacular fall from grace ? Even if he holds his own seat, many of his MP's are expected to lose theirs, and I can't see how he can escape being held responsible.


The Green's Natalie Bennett faces a similar predicament. If her party makes inroads, but she fails to win a seat, she could face a leadership challenge, especially given her pretty poor performance so far. If they lose their only MP, despite wider media coverage, can she stay in charge ?


Farage has clearly stated that he will resign if he doesn't win Thanet........so that one's pretty clear cut.



It's possible, even, to see a scenario where all 5 are on their way to the Job Centre !


Who said politics is boring..........?

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Thinking about it, I don't think any of the major leaders look particularly safe.....

If Cameron fails to secure a majority for a second time, he will almost certainly face a leadership challenge. He has already stated that he wouldn't compete for a third term, so (if he does win next month) his second term will only be 3 years or so, to allow his successor a good run at the 2020 election. Will the electorate vote for a man who has no intention of seeing the job through?

Millipede has the vultures circling, and there have already been several spates of rumours about his continued leadership. If a coalition with SNP/Plaid Cymru proved necessary, could he survive the almost certain lurch to the Left that would follow ? His position seems to be dependant on the scale of Labour's projected losses in Scotland.

Clegg's hold on his Sheffield seat looks tenuous. If he were to lose it, would his party accept a leader without a Westminster seat, let alone one with such a spectacular fall from grace ? Even if he holds his own seat, many of his MP's are expected to lose theirs, and I can't see how he can escape being held responsible.

The Green's Natalie Bennett faces a similar predicament. If her party makes inroads, but she fails to win a seat, she could face a leadership challenge, especially given her pretty poor performance so far. If they lose their only MP, despite wider media coverage, can she stay in charge ?

Farage has clearly stated that he will resign if he doesn't win Thanet........so that one's pretty clear cut.

It's possible, even, to see a scenario where all 5 are on their way to the Job Centre !

Who said politics is boring..........?

Job centre?? Don't you mean directorships, consultancy & after dinner speaking = £££££££

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Thinking about it, I don't think any of the major leaders look particularly safe.....

If Cameron fails to secure a majority for a second time, he will almost certainly face a leadership challenge. He has already stated that he wouldn't compete for a third term, so (if he does win next month) his second term will only be 3 years or so, to allow his successor a good run at the 2020 election. Will the electorate vote for a man who has no intention of seeing the job through?

Millipede has the vultures circling, and there have already been several spates of rumours about his continued leadership. If a coalition with SNP/Plaid Cymru proved necessary, could he survive the almost certain lurch to the Left that would follow ? His position seems to be dependant on the scale of Labour's projected losses in Scotland.

Clegg's hold on his Sheffield seat looks tenuous. If he were to lose it, would his party accept a leader without a Westminster seat, let alone one with such a spectacular fall from grace ? Even if he holds his own seat, many of his MP's are expected to lose theirs, and I can't see how he can escape being held responsible.

The Green's Natalie Bennett faces a similar predicament. If her party makes inroads, but she fails to win a seat, she could face a leadership challenge, especially given her pretty poor performance so far. If they lose their only MP, despite wider media coverage, can she stay in charge ?

Farage has clearly stated that he will resign if he doesn't win Thanet........so that one's pretty clear cut.

It's possible, even, to see a scenario where all 5 are on their way to the Job Centre !

Who said politics is boring..........?

Job centre?? Don't you mean directorships, consultancy & after dinner speaking = £££££££


Fair point,mate ! I used the term figuratively, I suppose.........

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Thinking about it, I don't think any of the major leaders look particularly safe.....

If Cameron fails to secure a majority for a second time, he will almost certainly face a leadership challenge. He has already stated that he wouldn't compete for a third term, so (if he does win next month) his second term will only be 3 years or so, to allow his successor a good run at the 2020 election. Will the electorate vote for a man who has no intention of seeing the job through?

Millipede has the vultures circling, and there have already been several spates of rumours about his continued leadership. If a coalition with SNP/Plaid Cymru proved necessary, could he survive the almost certain lurch to the Left that would follow ? His position seems to be dependant on the scale of Labour's projected losses in Scotland.

Clegg's hold on his Sheffield seat looks tenuous. If he were to lose it, would his party accept a leader without a Westminster seat, let alone one with such a spectacular fall from grace ? Even if he holds his own seat, many of his MP's are expected to lose theirs, and I can't see how he can escape being held responsible.

The Green's Natalie Bennett faces a similar predicament. If her party makes inroads, but she fails to win a seat, she could face a leadership challenge, especially given her pretty poor performance so far. If they lose their only MP, despite wider media coverage, can she stay in charge ?

Farage has clearly stated that he will resign if he doesn't win Thanet........so that one's pretty clear cut.

It's possible, even, to see a scenario where all 5 are on their way to the Job Centre !

Who said politics is boring..........?

Job centre?? Don't you mean directorships, consultancy & after dinner speaking = £££££££

Fair point,mate ! I used the term figuratively, I suppose.........

I know mate :-)........I can't help my cynicism when it comes to this lot....

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