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Cottage at the End of the World

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Wasn't that what Plummer titled one of his later books?


I've never read it, but can imagine it. In fact, f*ck me; I can sympathise! Check the time I post this. It's pushing 03:00 as I write this. I'm half cut. And my back's killing me. That's because I took my eye off the ball today and so ran out of fire wood on what's proving to be a pretty damn parky night.


So, whilst the quickening wind I found to be out there made me want to fetch the rifle and go for a patrol; The way I found myself staggering about, swinging my Log Splitter at lamp illuminated lumps of wood soon convinced me I'd better not.


And this is one other reason I so go on about, and against, the f*cking idiots who buy a chicken run from some outfit with a glossy advert. Stick half a dozen fowl in it. Call them " Girls " and then whitter on about them, from inside their suburban, CH/DGT semi's. Sat there, in their 'Nice Jumpers'. Making arbitrary distictions between " Gypsys " and "Proper Romanies ". Slating people who 'Kill thigs' (except the bloody rat that slew " Dorothy ") and generally getting right up my f*cking arse! :angry:



Did I mention that I'm half cut ....? :drink::laugh:

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And this is one other reason I so go on about, and against, the f*cking idiots who buy a chicken run from some outfit with a glossy advert. Stick half a dozen fowl in it. Call them " Girls " and then whitter on about them, from inside their suburban, CH/DGT semi's. Sat there, in their 'Nice Jumpers'. Making arbitrary distictions between " Gypsys " and "Proper Romanies ". Slating people who 'Kill thigs' (except the bloody rat that slew " Dorothy ") and generally getting right up my f*cking arse! :haha::clapper::clapper::clapper:



Feck ditch you been reading me wifes emails????

Hi Lindsay

If you knew what an animal was thinking, you could earn a fortune. But alas we can't.

Yes, humans are capable of rising above hurting animals. But we also have a very great capacity to do so, and some unfortunately do. The only way we can get it to stop is to talk about the inhumanity that is done to these hens and stop people buying the eggs. Once people vote with their money it will stop and not before I am afraid.

These little hens don't come into contact with mankind, so consequently they are not at all afraid of us, bless them. All of mine are far more friendly,trusting, loving and giving than either of my two new ones. Who have grown up with human kindness from the day they were hatched. That is strange isn't it?


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Wasn't that what Plummer titled one of his later books?


I've never read it, but can imagine it. In fact, f*ck me; I can sympathise! Check the time I post this. It's pushing 03:00 as I write this. I'm half cut. And my back's killing me. That's because I took my eye off the ball today and so ran out of fire wood on what's proving to be a pretty damn parky night.


So, whilst the quickening wind I found to be out there made me want to fetch the rifle and go for a patrol; The way I found myself staggering about, swinging my Log Splitter at lamp illuminated lumps of wood soon convinced me I'd better not.


And this is one other reason I so go on about, and against, the f*cking idiots who buy a chicken run from some outfit with a glossy advert. Stick half a dozen fowl in it. Call them " Girls " and then whitter on about them, from inside their suburban, CH/DGT semi's. Sat there, in their 'Nice Jumpers'. Making arbitrary distictions between " Gypsys " and "Proper Romanies ". Slating people who 'Kill thigs' (except the bloody rat that slew " Dorothy ") and generally getting right up my f*cking arse! :angry:



Did I mention that I'm half cut ....? :drink::laugh:


half cut!!!! you're well naturalised now Ditch Shitter! with that kind of talk, can sympathise with the freezies out here in the west ain't too far away and if caught short it is well... nasty.


i understand your greivance gainst the take some, hold the rest club of poultry cum livestock keepers, but don't worry they wil always come down, esp when charlie or mink finds them again and again and again.... etc, granted for some of the daft besoms takes a lot of slaying of innocent fowl for said keepers... to concede a dig, but when they get a reprieve after cos you got the murdering charlie, its even better!!!!!


But i no some will never renege even lie to hold their position as antis, no these very well and we size em up fo later....

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