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At Least Yesterday Is Over..........

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Had to rush my ridgeback to the vet yesterday morning, for the first time ever he refused his food and he wasn't walking properly as well as losing control of his bladder. Vet kept him for an xray and phoned to say he had a tumour the size of a grapefruit.

She opened him up to try and remove it but it had ruptured and his body went into shock and he died on the table. A couple of months short of 9 years. Absolutely gutted and f****d off,.

If that wasn't bad enough I phoned my uncle to see how he is a after a hospital visit and the news wasnt good so that hit the nail on the head.

I know there's people worse off but still fcuked off.

Rant over.

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sorry mate with the bad news dog +uncle , I know its hard right now for you, but try to look ahead you got to . leave the past where it is, you might get another pup when you ready :thumbs:

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Really sorry to hear that fella. Always hurts to lose a dog and even worse that it was so sudden. Least you can say hand on heart you did everything you could.

Keep your chin up :thumbs:

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Thanks folks, the upshot is that he didn't suffer to long. It wasn't a bad thing in one way, if it got worse at home and one of the kids inadvertently put pressure on it he could've turned on them. Then I wouldn't forgive myself so in a roundabout way it was for the best.

Just a shitter it was so sudden.

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