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Muslim Terrorists Al Shabab

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  On 13/04/2015 at 06:14, neems said:

there are plenty of muzzies and xtians of every race,thats a big part of their problem.

excluding the abrahamic ones and any other small cults of similar design,what problems do you have with the rest?


i wouldn't even call xtianity and islam religions,more like viruses.


Problems? You mean like complete lack of evidence, combined with theological nonsense?


I think we're arguing the same point here. :hmm:


The problem is the books they read... The silliness they spout.


Too many people, in this world, subscribe to that. Is it because of evidence, that the rest of us are denied, or is because they are coerced?


If your book is 400 y/o, or more, then your relevance is limited! Read some more books! :laugh:

Edited by ChrisJones
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i think youre not looking at them from the intended perspective,or youre too fixated on Islam and xtianity.


read some zen philosophy,the poetic edda or even just watch a couple of videos of the dalai lama talking on youtube.


they're not all the same,some have entirely different outlooks.


it's only because of the assosiation with xtianity and Islam that the word religion is now synonomous with ignorance.

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  On 13/04/2015 at 06:33, neems said:

i think youre not looking at them from the intended perspective,or youre too fixated on Islam and xtianity.


read some zen philosophy,the poetic edda or even just watch a couple of videos of the dalai lama talking on youtube.


they're not all the same,some have entirely different outlooks.


it's only because of the assosiation with xtianity and Islam that the word religion is now synonomous with ignorance.


Perspective my arse!


My morality has always been kindness! It requires no scripture. No external interpretation. It's gender, race, and sexuality neutral.


I don't need an old book, written hundreds of years ago, to tell me how to be kind to people. I certainly don't give a shit as to what anyone believes, or how they want to live their lives, providing that kindness towards others is given courtesy.


I don't care what you think but I do care how you treat others.

Edited by ChrisJones
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  On 13/04/2015 at 06:51, neems said:

And you call others ignorant :whistling:


your attitude is literally 'i don't know and i don't want to know,because im right' as bad as any xtian.




I don't know? and I don't want to know?




You took a leap of faith there! ;)

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  On 12/04/2015 at 21:03, BGD said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 20:59, brookie said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 18:20, desertbred said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 17:01, brookie said:


  On 10/04/2015 at 22:03, bob.243 said:


hes just begging for a bullet ,this cnunt straight between those bulging eyes


bet you wouldnt be the one to do it.


bet you a pound to a pinch of shit that i would .



Easy to be a big man behind your keyboard, why not get out in the real world and back up your words with some actions?


Fanny :bye:


says you .as for fanny ,this fanny would always take the wind outta prick like you chum :yes:

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  On 13/04/2015 at 06:54, ChrisJones said:


  On 13/04/2015 at 06:51, neems said:

And you call others ignorant :whistling:


your attitude is literally 'i don't know and i don't want to know,because im right' as bad as any xtian.




I don't know? and I don't want to know?




You took a leap of faith there! ;)



and yet you'll dismiss the accumulated knowledge of 100s of generations of people who were on the whole wiser and more in touch with nature than people today,as nonsense.


but best of all you havent even looked into their philosophys\world views,i've never met or spoken to even a xtian as willfully ignorant.

Edited by neems
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Neems. I'm not dismissing anything. You claim knowledge! I claim fairy stories!! If you're arguing knowledge I'm in agreement, but you're fudging the lines between trial and error and complete bullshitted fairytails!


I'm looking at the evidence! Or lack of!


Put your hand in the fire and it hurts, Vs The talking snake!


Natural selection, Vs 6000 years of biblical incest!


The paedophile on the winged horse, Vs we're sat at a computer arguing semantics!


You're likening me to a christian, which is personally laughable, but it couldn't be further from the truth!


Tell me how kindness and empathy would destroy our species, and how racial supremacy would save it.





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  On 13/04/2015 at 06:55, brookie said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 21:03, BGD said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 20:59, brookie said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 18:20, desertbred said:


  On 12/04/2015 at 17:01, brookie said:


  On 10/04/2015 at 22:03, bob.243 said:


hes just begging for a bullet ,this cnunt straight between those bulging eyes


bet you wouldnt be the one to do it.


bet you a pound to a pinch of shit that i would .



Easy to be a big man behind your keyboard, why not get out in the real world and back up your words with some actions?


Fanny :bye:


says you .as for fanny ,this fanny would always take the wind outta prick like you chum :yes:



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  On 13/04/2015 at 07:50, ChrisJones said:

Neems. I'm not dismissing anything. You claim knowledge! I claim fairy stories!! If you're arguing knowledge I'm in agreement, but you're fudging the lines between trial and error and complete bullshitted fairytails!


I'm looking at the evidence! Or lack of!


Put your hand in the fire and it hurts, Vs The talking snake!


Natural selection, Vs 6000 years of biblical incest!


The paedophile on the winged horse, Vs we're sat at a computer arguing semantics!


You're likening me to a christian, which is personally laughable, but it couldn't be further from the truth!


Tell me how kindness and empathy would destroy our species, and how racial supremacy would save it.





again i said xtianity and islam to me are just viruses,the little value they hold is stolen from other religions.


if genuinely cant understand my point thats on you and confirms my thoughts.


as for 'racial supremacy' watch the video in my sig for the dumbed down answer.

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Chris an neems, yous both are really funny, you both claim you know best when really, chris your religon is beleif an faith, with 0 evidence, you can try an muddle the lines, but you know an your priests,,,ie scientist know,,,theres 0 evidence, an thats a fact.


You say fairytale storys lol,, the good book is eyewitness accounts, an if you want to dismiss, youd would have to dismiss, all history, cause you couldnt say you cant trust one an not the other based on what man has witnessed, an recorded, could you,


At least the good book is eyewitness accounts, what is yours, evo, nothing nada, never been seen , never will, an i actually agree with neems, you are ignorant my man.


You dont like the fact that your not in charge, you dont like not being the boss do you, the fairytale as you say, doesnt tell you how to be kind,,,now read carefully here,,,its an absoluute standard for us to live in peace an be protected.


On the other hand, from your point of view, you have no absolute standard, each individual chooses there own standard, this is fact, might is right an all that, so what im saying is the strongest in soceity get ahead, but what about the normal joe average like me an the most of the population, were weak individuals, who should be wiped of thegene pool,,,,,,if you cant see a problem with each individual making there own standard, then answer me this, which you avoided in God thread, ,,,,if evoloution is true, how do you tell right from wrong,,,,,,you cant ,,,, its lawless,,,,,fact,,,,,think about it,,,,,if i rob an kill someone, the evoloution model says thats fine,,might is right,,strongest will survive,,,,natural selection,,,,after all im an animal sirviving,,,you cant say am wrong can you, cause you cant,,cause evoloution has no standards,,


Imo evoloution, is the most dangerous mindset in the world, it is completley useless to the human race, an has no application at all, its a threat to the human race,,,,enjoy that read chris lol

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An neems my man, your a pagan, correct, you worship created materialistic things, trees water, moon stars, depending what paet of the world your from, you see mother earth as the goddess, correct, oooh boy down to the rock....


You say christianity copied paganism, lol sorry there polar opposite, as i said before the old testament an the new testament, are one in the same, sorry to burst your bubble, but you dont like that do you,,,,paganism is just idol worship, with no substance an no backbone, the first commandment says, thou shall have no other gods,,( false gods ) before me,,, so thats your christianity copied paganism statment cut short right thete my man,,


One of the points you made that, different races cant be christian, or muslim, or sikh, thats globalism, lol, paganism is just the same, only thing different is different gods for different parts of the world, paganism offers nothing to the modern world, it goes hand in hand with evoloution, its a dead end route imo,,,cheerio lol

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  On 13/04/2015 at 10:49, Quarter bull said:

Chris an neems, yous both are really funny, you both claim you know best when really, chris your religon is beleif an faith, with 0 evidence, you can try an muddle the lines, but you know an your priests,,,ie scientist know,,,theres 0 evidence, an thats a fact.


You say fairytale storys lol,, the good book is eyewitness accounts, an if you want to dismiss, youd would have to dismiss, all history, cause you couldnt say you cant trust one an not the other based on what man has witnessed, an recorded, could you,


At least the good book is eyewitness accounts, what is yours, evo, nothing nada, never been seen , never will, an i actually agree with neems, you are ignorant my man.


You dont like the fact that your not in charge, you dont like not being the boss do you, the fairytale as you say, doesnt tell you how to be kind,,,now read carefully here,,,its an absoluute standard for us to live in peace an be protected.


On the other hand, from your point of view, you have no absolute standard, each individual chooses there own standard, this is fact, might is right an all that, so what im saying is the strongest in soceity get ahead, but what about the normal joe average like me an the most of the population, were weak individuals, who should be wiped of thegene pool,,,,,,if you cant see a problem with each individual making there own standard, then answer me this, which you avoided in God thread, ,,,,if evoloution is true, how do you tell right from wrong,,,,,,you cant ,,,, its lawless,,,,,fact,,,,,think about it,,,,,if i rob an kill someone, the evoloution model says thats fine,,might is right,,strongest will survive,,,,natural selection,,,,after all im an animal sirviving,,,you cant say am wrong can you, cause you cant,,cause evoloution has no standards,,


Imo evoloution, is the most dangerous mindset in the world, it is completley useless to the human race, an has no application at all, its a threat to the human race,,,,enjoy that read chris lol

Take away laws and we would become like animals who would rob and murder to survive

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do you think our mps are so put of touch with the problems or they have an agender? maybe they are hoping that living in the west islam extremists will get diluted. If you look at younger generations of any religion imo its taken less serious. I know a few muslims who drink gamble the lot but wouldnt act that way infront of their older relatives.

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