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CK Hole Cutter

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:censored:Trying to get my under ground rat station finished (Trapping Board) I bought a bloody CK Hole Cutter, to make the holes the pipes will run into.


Well, today the pipes finally materialised and I set to work and made the wooden box structure. Then I thought I'd fetch my new Cutter and drill the holes out. But, when I actually ripped out the plastic display bits and pieces, look what I found myself left with!!! FFS!


So, now it's MORE f*cking delays till I go back into town, spend MORE money IF I can find What there? I mean; Just what do I need to make this thing work? Preferably with my SDS drill???


Anyone? Please?




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ditch you need whats called an arber for the centre of the hole cutter, you get them to fit dirrerant sizes so take the hole saw to the shop with you,

Now for the sad news!!!!! i don't think arber's come in SDS........ :wallbash: kinda like a drill bit with locking lugs at the bottom, and a screw top to screw the lugs to the small holes at the top of the cutter..... :thumbs:

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I think ive a few spare arbours at work , whats the diameter of the big hole in the middle ? if i have one the right size you can have it .





Ive only got normal drill arbours i dont use sds ones .

Edited by boris b
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  Ditch_Shitter said:
:censored:Trying to get my under ground rat station finished (Trapping Board) I bought a bloody CK Hole Cutter, to make the holes the pipes will run into.


Well, today the pipes finally materialised and I set to work and made the wooden box structure. Then I thought I'd fetch my new Cutter and drill the holes out. But, when I actually ripped out the plastic display bits and pieces, look what I found myself left with!!! FFS!


So, now it's MORE f*cking delays till I go back into town, spend MORE money IF I can find What there? I mean; Just what do I need to make this thing work? Preferably with my SDS drill???


Anyone? Please?





As others have said it requires a mandrell you can get sds adaptor chuck which will fit your sds then mandrel into hole cutter then your away but either way you will have to spend more cash :whistling:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:( Well, thanks for the in put - and PM's ;) - lads. So; It's caled a Mandrell, is it? FFS. Ok. I'll just ask for one when I go back into town. More bloody money, sure. But let's be philisophical about this, eh? I've spent good money on complete crap Hole Cutters before now. The bits and pieces are still rotting away in the bottom of my tool boxes to this day!


This one though is made to go through metal! It's The Kiddie! It's also 2". So, once I get it sorted, I'll probably have the rest of my days to make good use of it. I'm already envisaging turning gash timber into Rat Boxes with it ;)


No. I'll just blow into town again and buy this 'Mandrell' thing. Quicker and less hassle than getting one sent in.


I'll have a choice word or two for bloody Joe though! Bugger Could have asked me ....!


And, one of these days I'll be able to show ye my own, newly made, subterranian 'Dog and Bird Proof " Rat Cellar "'. One of these days ..... But, this Is Eire ..... :rolleyes:

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