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Don't believe the lies that other party's such as Labour and Conservative and media are saying about UKIP. From now until election day (Thursday 7th May) UKIP will be releasing video's stating there policies and reasons why you should vote them in. If you only ever vote once in your life but you want change, this is the year for you to vote and vote UKIP for your local council, UKIP for you parliamentary candidate and UKIP for your government. Don't miss you opportunity to create Great British history.


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I hope you are right Brookie.....me i think we have gone beyond what we can come back from in this country......its too late in the day now but i truly believe we could have nipped all this in the bud

My thoughts exactly and if voting ukip makes me racist for wanting the British to keep our identity and my children to be proud of there routes instead of being taught to be ashamed.  Then I'm a raci

if voting changed anything it would be banned,,i just go fishing on voteing days ,

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They are all untrustworthy to different degrees,I know I have voted for the others in past and hate the fact I did, at least ukip seem to be echoing what the people want, the English people have had enough,and we are loosing our identity, so if only it makes the other parties sit up and realise how out of touch they are,with the people who pay there wages then it's ukip for me,

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They are all untrustworthy to different degrees,I know I have voted for the others in past and hate the fact I did, at least ukip seem to be echoing what the people want, the English people have had enough,and we are loosing our identity, so if only it makes the other parties sit up and realise how out of touch they are,with the people who pay there wages then it's ukip for me,

My thoughts exactly and if voting ukip makes me racist for wanting the British to keep our identity and my children to be proud of there routes instead of being taught to be ashamed.


Then I'm a racist and proud!

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They are all lying b*****ds and only after the power that comes with the job, if you can call it that. Personally, seeing as they're as bad as each other tax, NHS, immigration wise, I start to look at what party is supporting what I do in life, which is hunt, shoot and spend time in the countryside, and it's the Tories. It really has come down to that, the rest of the time they f**k me and my family over a barrel!

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they all lie through their back teeth with empty promises , they will say anything to get your vote .the lot are lower than a snakes belly , it should be made law that what they promise they must hold to it , i hate the whole stinking corrupt lot of them ( our local magistrate has just been sent down for fiddling £6000 expenses ) :boogy:

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They are all untrustworthy to different degrees,I know I have voted for the others in past and hate the fact I did, at least ukip seem to be echoing what the people want, the English people have had enough,and we are loosing our identity, so if only it makes the other parties sit up and realise how out of touch they are,with the people who pay there wages then it's ukip for me,

My thoughts exactly and if voting ukip makes me racist for wanting the British to keep our identity and my children to be proud of there routes instead of being taught to be ashamed.

Then I'm a racist and proud!

i don't think you are racist, more nationalist no nation has been broke apart more than ours, from a huge empire, to a small nation,which is still under threat all our identity has gone, it must have been same for the Romans,it feels like we are being eradicated, our sense of pride our customs and beliefs religious or otherwise, by who I think are the real racists,I am proud to be English as others are proud of there origins, I just ask for the same rights in my own country they have,and not be oppressed into second rate citizens, I know that might not be entirely factual, as in it will to an extent be my mind talk, but that is sometimes how it feels.
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Being English isn't racist, nor is being British, or northern Irish, or republican etc etc, being proud or your roots is the thing to be, don't let anyone ever tell you any different, and if anyone feels ashamed of it then they're ashamed of their ancestors because life was much tougher back then. If foreign peoples come here the must obey the rules or piss off if they don't like it. Native peoples first then what's left over the imports can squabble over it.

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UKIP for me,

worst case is country goes bankrupt, nhs is crap and immigration soars. But we've already been there so what's new !!!


Best case is they give the MP's a roasting and make them play fair, they cut immigration and they sort out the nhs by getting shut of mnon productive managers and having more nurses.


At least they'll put the wind up the other parties and may make them buck their ideas up.


it's a no brainer, got to be ukip.


And those lazy barstewards that can't be bothered to get off their backsides and vote, I suppose you'll just sit there and hope someone else does all the work for you :angry2: . No wonder MP's think they can get away with anything when voters can't even be bothered to get up and vote them out.

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Who would ever leave it to labour. They clearly haven't got a clue about running a country. I voted tory for years but now I fear that all this industry theyre backing could only lead to destruction of the British countryside. That would affect my shooting and then rural economy. More economic growth to me means more factories and less greenery. Take HS2 for example. Lib dems I don't really know about but the word 'Liberal' strikes fear into me. It means they haven't any balls and they are open to all opinions, a recipe for disaster, trying to please everyone and pleasing no one. Honestly id love to say the Green party had the credentials to run the country In all fairness I'm not sure they have


The debate is just starting on TV as I type and I hope Farage does the business, because anyone who simply wants control of who comes into the country and who doesn't cant be far wrong. Im voting UKIP all the way.

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