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Terriers been chewing on her legs for weeks now.took her the vets and they say its boredom? Find that hard to be leave..now the lurched has started doing it..she must be bord to lol.any ideas folks.there very sore.must drive them mad.changing vets today?

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Mate cancel the vet that will cost silly money for a few stitches and it's only a skin tear that will heal fine .......

Thanks mate.they been on advocate past few days and its all ready helping..

TB25. You just need confidence to treat your dogs mate. Do as Socks says and you'll save a fortune. If you visited the vet for every little thing you'll be destitute in no time.

Bones every day Joe they have.3 hours bushing every day..carnt be bordom surly that..thinking mites they picked up out in the fields or something.aye a new vets is needed mate and orded some stuff that mite help if it is mites..

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I'm very surprised a vet said boredom as most vets would have put your dog on a very expensive course of medication. So maybe your vet is an honest one but IMO it's not boredom.

It could be a few things and I've noticed signs of fleas early this year (I've also noticed slugs out early this year too, so be careful of lungworm) but it could be mites or something in the blood.

But I wouldn't say it's boredom, most dogs would chew their kennels before they'd chew themselves out of boredom.

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No way are my dogs bored mate.he didn't even have a proper look..he said looks like boredom.nothing I can do but it will get worse.the the lurchers started it a few weeks back..this was PDSA..am in there Tuesday to give them a good talking too and booked in next week at Abby vets..

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Yes be very careful with ivermec. I don't know what it could be I would doubt mange would first appear where them dogs have signs. But any things possible I'm sure. Could be a random flea/insect bite that's irritating the life out of them.


Have they got any itchy, red or scaley areas near eyes or on face TB?


If you figure it out give us an update

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No nic both dogs tip top apart from were the pics show..hopefully the next vet will get it sorted..must drive the dogs nuts.the one on the terrier is proper sore..

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