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Line Or Family

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I think that a family is a particular type, for a broad example; patterdales being a family of fell terriers


They're bred by various people in different areas for different purposes


A line would be using that Smithy dog and putting his offspring to his offspring, for example







A family is basically loosely related, a line is relatively closely related

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This turned into what I didn't want it to, mainly because I can't keep my big mouth shut and will bite easy. I'll leave it by saying Nick was and is THE best man I ever saw with a terrier, his terrie

heres my line of dogs.

to me a line of terriers is a term used loosely for say nuttall or gould its a broad church all sorts breed them and for many different reasons some may have very little blood of any kennel , within

This ive learnt and tried to pass on .Dog aggression ,dog opposed to bitch is definately hightened when he gets used for stud often .Wheeler stuff was and is bad for dog aggression . I take full responsibility for my mistakes ,i was living at home with limited space and too many animals ,just needed saying .

The N S stuff i now combined with mine is more level headed but id not trust two dogs together .Also this has been over 28 years spread ,which taken in context who has not had a kennel fight .The difference between a live dog and dead is only a mattter of either being there at the time or not ,unfortunately i was not .

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I think that a family is a particular type, for a broad example; patterdales being a family of fell terriers


They're bred by various people in different areas for different purposes


A line would be using that Smithy dog and putting his offspring to his offspring, for example


Disagree their mate, you couldn't call patterdales a family. Mainly because they're Not all related and partly because there are different types within the patterdale, rough smooth big small bully fell type etc etc etc


IMO family is a term that's been lifted from the pitbull fraternity and brought to working terriers (like "game" )~family to me would indicate dogs that had come off a yard or directly go back to that yard. So what we have called a line.

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As the man said a strain is a family of dog's, brother, sisters, aunt, parents so on, kennel fights you have to never give em the chance again when you not there so to not take matters into your own hand, accidents happen but not on purpose. My first Patterdale when bought was 35 auid and when i met two of the fellow s behind it the wernt talking, bullshit, and mone , but breeding, and not like the man down the road withhis ggood lookers to show off, And the rest of the bullshit, wheres his line,money,and ego,and not satisfing workers

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I don't know, Patterdale not a line only where its been crossed, if there the same, how can you say any different. Except for the man who has fooled himself with his own bullshit, as the man said, lines, andbreeds are lost easy , now big man, and mone , whant answers, fn boys

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Don't get it all, but a line is breeding. Of the same, no bullshit and nothing else like them, we don't kneed a fluke in a line or theoone hit wonder, doesn't he look great. A line is substance, bullshityyou can keepit , but what is the, when the genuine hunter gets nothing like as if you for Any thing you're nothing to do with there bullshit. Thank god your not

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to me a line of terriers is a term used loosely for say nuttall or gould its a broad church all sorts breed them and for many different reasons some may have very little blood of any kennel , within these lines there are tight bred hopefully for work family's or kennel where a few people maintain related terriers for purpose, that purpose not being coin or fame , to have terriers as good as those terriers grandparents , once you have a certain type they can't really be improved on if they could why not jack it in and get pups from that family or that line which is better .... line breeding inbreeding just's help you to get what you want more often ... both dog and bitch should to be a 100% to get the best results , but within in a line you do have more room to move , if you have to sisters one is not as good, just little things maybe shes under shot or a finer type , but you loose the better bitch ...do you jack it all in bring in new blood or use the 2nd choice after all the genes will be very tight ... i've put two good workers together and had a 100% litter i've mated them again and only got 25 % a total piss off when their not the ones you kept, also i've had a couple of bitches that where top class but there pup % was fairly low other bitches not so good produce higher % workers ... the grass for some is always greener i'd rather stay with what i know and seek out others of the same when the time comes for a drop of new blood, anyway its going to be a long summer what ever pup or pups you breed i hope they are doing the job for you in 2017 :)

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Unfortunately terrier work it seems has become a fashion again ...correct me if im wrong, but with so much propaganda and slander within the terrier work its like we are signing it away by holographic ego and not where it counts, mixing and mingling in PERSON with people!

yes we all learnt somewhere... but we only got to learn from meeting the coorect folk by being correct!

My advice would be dont think the hunting lifes the place to learn or ask stuff...

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Unfortunately terrier work it seems has become a fashion again ...correct me if im wrong, but with so much propaganda and slander within the terrier work its like we are signing it away by holographic ego and not where it counts, mixing and mingling in PERSON with people!

yes we all learnt somewhere... but we only got to learn from meeting the coorect folk by being correct!

My advice would be dont think the hunting lifes the place to learn or ask stuff...

so what your saying some one like me who has worked lurchers for over 20 years and because of circumstance can no longer keep them. But wants to continue to work dogs but has a limited knowledge of terriers shouldn't bother because I personally do not know anybody who currently works terriers and can only glean information from a limited number of friendly and willing members on here
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Got to love the internet ,lol.

My only regret was using a Nuttal dog from the South Devon hunt kennels that carried the gene for inherent blindness . Luckily he wasnt used blanket and i was able to stop breeding to those affected ,the last bitch of which is in my yard now ,the old bitch Blade .

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Got to love the internet ,lol.

My only regret was using a Nuttal dog from the South Devon hunt kennels that carried the gene for inherent blindness . Luckily he wasnt used blanket and i was able to stop breeding to those affected ,the last bitch of which is in my yard now ,the old bitch Blade .

how long did it take to realise this stud was causing a problem
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Do they breed spaniels sheepdogs ect racehorses mother and son no why not cause you end up with mongols same as if it happens with humans if you breed from bitch that has nearly all good workers in litter. and see I mean see a good dog working and he got a couple of good brothers whats wrong then with that breeding thats not hard to hunderstand is it goaty boy and when you go to use a dog you can try to put into the pup what the bitch is lacking in a bit for your needs

you are lacking a brain, and probably a decent dog. And your doing my f***ing head in with your mongolism you must bred too close.
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