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Rough Idea On Pricing Please

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I'm looking to sell my bsa superten mk3 bull barrel carbine (bbk) in .177 guise its in a lovely stripped stock maybe walnut, I belive they didn't make many bbk' s in .177, only issue is the magazine sometimes fails to rotate, common problem with bsa can be solved with the new version magazines, it comes with an added silencer that matches the bull barrel, it doesn't come with a stirrup pump or dive bottle just the gun and silencer and a bsa scope, never been tuned, if it's not worth selling I will get it bowkrett tuned and buy a new magazine, what sort of price should I advertise for, I could upload pics if it helps, I was thinking of px against another .177 like the bsa ultra for my lad

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The stripped stock will put people off and they are usually Beech!


The magazine is an easy fix.




Get it Bowketted and keep it (he will sort the magazine out for you). The Mk 3 BBK is a lovely gun.


A Bowkett Blueprint makes it quieter firing, if you have the shroud work done it is a lot quieter so you do not need the silencer, you have more shots per fill and you know what pellet works best in your gun as well!


How do I know this? Behold!




Shroud and Action both Bowketted....

Edited by secretagentmole
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  • 3 months later...

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