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The Kc Rules And Breeding Opinions

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There never can be a definite age. Maturity wise it depends on the breed, size and build as to when the dog will be physically mature.

Work wise.... well some dogs will have done more by the end of their second working season than other "proven" working dogs will do in their lifetime. When it comes down to it it's up to the breeder, and then the pup buyers, to decide when enough has been done to ensure the pups have a good chance of staying sound and inheriting enough drive and hunting instinct.

As for the kennel club, well no-one in their right mind gives a feck what they think.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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I met a whippet coursing bloke on a day out when proper coursing under rules was legal. He told me his first bitch came into season when she was 14months old. She was from very good stock and so he took his chance and bred from her.She gave birth to 4 pups and never came into season again,but he had the pups and 40 years later when he was telling me he had never bought another pup in and only ever bred his own all starting with that first litter...The point is its your stock and its upto you when you breed. We cant help that a lot of plonkers are breeding for the wrong reasons..we should just stick to our own path.

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There a lot just breeding for the wrong reasons ...money... With no respect for the breed just putting any thing over anything with no thought going in to it..to be honest mating a dog at 14 month old is wrong very wrong in my opinion ..just my thoughts thoughts though mate

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Let me ask a question then;


Say a match dog has great breeding but wasn't anything special itself, would you breed from it?


If so, at what age?



I'll nail myself to the cross already here - I likely would (obviously depending on circumstances) as I've known that to be successful before




There's actually one specific fen dog I'm thinking of. I have no idea if he was a good'un himself but I know he's the last son of a real famous name in coursing. Would you mate to him?


If so, then what does it matter if a dog is 2 or 10? Unless they had a genetic fault or seriously awful in their chosen field ?

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