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The Kc Rules And Breeding Opinions

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just a question for the whippet folk what is deemed the right age for breeding? the kc rules state 12 months but to me the age should be 24 months .... opinions please too many dogs getting bred as pups being put in pup a disgrace in my opinion.... answers folks

kind regards

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who gives a feck about KC rules? :censored: Any dog, of any type needs a minimum of 3 years to prove it is capable of doing the "job" it was created for. If it doesn't then its not worthy of breeding from. And a whippet needs to prove itself in the field over at least 3 seasons as an adult. Which in my book makes it 4

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just a question for the whippet folk what is deemed the right age for breeding? the kc rules state 12 months but to me the age should be 24 months .... opinions please too many dogs getting bred as pups being put in pup a disgrace in my opinion.... answers folks

kind regards

A bit of a loaded question your putting there,but why do you think it should be 24months? Surely its upto the owner,but 90% are breeding to make money anyway.

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just a question for the whippet folk what is deemed the right age for breeding? the kc rules state 12 months but to me the age should be 24 months .... opinions please too many dogs getting bred as pups being put in pup a disgrace in my opinion.... answers folks

kind regards

A bit of a loaded question your putting there,but why do you think it should be 24months? Surely its upto the owner,but 90% are breeding to make money anyway.


too true sir. Anybody asking that question is in it for the bucks. best off keeping fishing rods, not dogs

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Haha I think 24 months a dog is no longer a pup and at least have done something that is worth while , weather been working, showing or racing too many dogs going in rescue because of no respect for the breed mate, any muppet can buy a bitch with good paper work (hanging off names affixes that campaignd there dogs ) and profiting off there hard work.

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Haha I think 24 months a dog is no longer a pup and at least have done something that is worth while , weather been working, showing or racing too many dogs going in rescue because of no respect for the breed mate, any muppet can buy a bitch with good paper work (hanging off names affixes that campaignd there dogs ) and profiting off there hard work.

at 24 months its an un proven dog. and have done feck all worth while. to many dog in rescue because no idea of the time and effort involved. and no idea of what makes a good dog. Any muppet can get a dog to chase rabbits etc , but to know a good dog, worth breeding from takes a little more.

and if you have to ask the question in the first place, you are in the wrong game. so get fishing

Edited by trenchfoot
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I'm saying at least mate not a definite answer personally I agree the later the better not the earlier the better bro

if you think a dog is worth breeding from, after a couple of seasons full field testing, take the off season to pick that dog to bits. then the rest is up to your conscience and ego

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