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Deerhound Stud

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It's great to see some working deerhounds, albeit in Ireland, as the deerhound in the uk as a working dog does not exist

The ban finished the deerhound off, and coupled with the show crazy people involved with the hound now, has changed a once beautiful dual purpose animal into an unsound, full of faults wreck of an animal

The Irish lads, give them credit are attempting to keep the dog a working dog, English breeders are more concerned on spoiling the breed totally with exaggerated show points, and coming away from desirable hunting qualities, qualities that did it's best to keep the dog fit and health

Please don't mention doxhope blood on the same txt as these modern day monsters, the last doxhope litter of deerhound was bred in 2003 the last doxhope first cross litter was bred in 2004, so any virtues these dogs had to try and save the deerhound breed as a working animal is so watered down it is having no input on quality as workers

The breed is full of spinsters lesbians and hairdressers that believe they know dogs, when in fact they don't

They don't want good dogs, these people want rosettes puppy sales and stud fees


I put a clip of working deerhounds coursing a hare before the ban, I've been contacted by a modern day deerhound expert to take it down, as it's a bad advertisement for deerhounds,


Anyone after a decent working deerhound, go to Ireland, trying to get one in the uk would be like shopping at asda for a rolls Royce


Some nice images

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  • 1 month later...
  On 20/07/2015 at 12:47, Sean Hartigan said:

Some people have asked about the price, after looking at the price of Deerhounds for sale in UK today i.e.. between £900 and £1100 my son and I have decided to advertise the 4 pups (one bitch, three dogs) we are not keeping at £800 each, they will be registered with the Irish Kennel Club, it is straightforward for the new owner to transfer registration to the Kennel Club, fully vaccinated including for rabies, have pet passports and be delivered to a location near the new owner by a dog transporter all included.

We are looking to buy or do a swop for a male pup of a different bloodline which has produced working dogs, at the moment our dogs are heavily line bred to Doxhope lines especially to Doxhope Ambecky

Very nice to mate,there isn't a lot of people keeping this breed even though yours are pure.we used to go just a little bit up the road here in the northeast of England to Northumberland to get a good 1stx as we ran these for years.they are my favourite breed of lurch and will try and give 110 percent for you plus they are the most elegant lurchers you will find.if I had a big house I would be buying that spare bitch pup you have to live here atb Edited by lurchers
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At the end of the day the man who owns the pups can price them as he sees fit, however I don't see many lurchermen paying that kind of money for a dog which in all probability won't be the equal of a well bred lurcher which would cost a fraction of the asking price.

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  On 20/07/2015 at 19:57, mackay said:

At the end of the day the man who owns the pups can price them as he sees fit, however I don't see many lurchermen paying that kind of money for a dog which in all probability won't be the equal of a well bred lurcher which would cost a fraction of the asking price.

There's a lot of truth in that. Anyone wanting a pup primarily as a worker wouldn't need to pay more than 500 for even the most expensive of the top working lines and if they waited and looked around, could probably find one for 200 or less.

They'd be lucky to find a deerhound for 500 but then deerhounds aren't bred as workers, not really. I like deerhounds a lot and have a deerhound bred lurcher myself but have to say that I don't believe anyone breeds deerhounds primarily as workers anymore. Some people do work them but that's not the first reason they choose them.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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Just a question, does dave platt ever breed pure bred deerhounds or does he just use them as his breeding stock,dont know what strain he has now,is it still the ardingklass strain,seen some good stuff come from his kennels.

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