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Canarys Hatched Already

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yes out in a flight/avery, first of the natives (greenfinch & siskins) just started siting some still building...

I got 2 Greenie eggs outside in a aviary and a few other hens have been tugging the nesting stuff about,won't be long before there all at it :victory: ..

Good luck lads and lasses with birds :thumbs: ..

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My hen had started to build her own nest in the cover,i pulles it down and put in what she needed to make a proper home for the eggs she was going to lay anyway,mine are outside in aviaries so it's down to them when they go down and i just give them what they need :victory:

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Too early if you ask me , by giving them nesting material and pans too early , you just encourage them to go down early . This generally leads to clear eggs ,I tend to look at the birds in there natural state , for eg if I'm keeping bullies I put pans and nesting material in once the bullies in the wild are building . I think it is easy to get carried away at the beginning of the season and become impatient ,just my opinion .good luck to all of you trying British ,hope you have a successful season .

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I know what your saying Hammo but i've had redpolls build and rear chicks in febuary outside before and the hen i have laying now had started to build her own nest out of millet strands and chickweed so she was ready and to have left her and watched the eggs fall through a poor nest would have been daft imo so i put in what she needed.The others well yeah maybe a bit early for some but it's not impatients for them to breed as after last years stresses i ain't bothered and to be realy realy honest i'd be quite happy if they jusy went through a year without all this nest building bit and were just birds in a flight for me to look at and a aviary full of mules just might well be all i end up with one day :thumbs:,,

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