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Moslem Caught Out Lol

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I dont hate any nationality, I hate individuals and groups who want to kill people for no other reason than they dont follow the same brand of religion as them, I hate people who want to come to my co

I Know Off Irish Catholic People (Good Hard Working Men) Who Worked In The Uk (The Midlands) In The 70s & Left Because Off Bad Feelings / Fear Towards Them Through The Threat Of Terrorism . . And

So you don't see the irony in this episode at all then mate? Dads a radical, then, then plays the innocent victim when his daughter runs off to join isis, just what would they have to do to convin

Yeah real shocking mate aint it.....its only words tho, I aint terrorizing half the middle east blowing up, shooting and beheading moslems and infidels alike.

This would suggest you hate terrorists . Everything else leads me to believe you hate all Asians? What is it?

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I dont hate any nationality, I hate individuals and groups who want to kill people for no other reason than they dont follow the same brand of religion as them, I hate people who want to come to my country and turn it into the same type of 3rd world shithole they've just left, I hate the spineless b*****d politicians who are willing and encourage the scum of this planet to move here unfettered and rip off my country, while people who have given their entire lives to this country starve and freeze to death so the uk government can hand out billions to the undeserving scum that crawl here.

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Why call zyzz a paki raghead sand nigger he was no terrorist . Why brand the man in the original post as a moslim and basically catogorise a religion on his actings . This is not your country. Your too stupid to know what's good for this country hence the reason your racist bigoted opinions go no further than a hunting forum. Yes people who are fleeing to help IS the terrorist organisation fight should never be allowed back in Britain. But people as simple minded as yourself who I doubt would be missed very much by honest good people should be shipped off somewhere too. Also if you believe IS is that big a threat then the bbc has done its job well

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Where did I mention isis or the bbc, this most certainly is my country however much you and your ilk would like to hand it over to the camel jockeys, I also know that filling MY country with potential terrorists cant be good for it, my racist bigoted opinions as you call them are becoming more mainstream however much it upsets your type, as I stated earlier I dont hate any nationalty therefor I am not a racist, I have come to the conclusion though that you are a left wing clown and fool of the highest order, blind to whats happening to this once great country

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its not your country. If you really mean what you say ship all catholics out of British soil as the ira have killled more in the last 30 years on british soil than any other terrorist group. Are all catholics potential terorists. No. Im not stupid the media hasnt got me living in fear unlike yourself

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You're starting to sound like a clown now mate, I work in areas teeming with the filth known as moslems if I had any fear of them I'd steer well clear, if you want to see REAL racism and bigotry go live or work as I do in a moslem majority area it might just open your eyes

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So you cant really justify what you say or have a response to my point. ShIpping all muslims out if britaim because they are potential terrorists shows your scared boy.

its not a case of fear, it's a cased of being p#ssed off with the way they have affected those societies where they have "integrated". Until you have lived amongst it and seen the changes in muslims, and the impact they have had upon the outlooks of those that they chose to share there location with. Only then will you understand

Edited by trenchfoot
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Its similar to what the media did with pitbulls. Cause a frenzy over a few deaths then got the people scared by putting horror stories everywhere . Next thing you know they are outlawed because the majority of people are living in fear of the unknown. Only work natters suggestion would make britain look weak. like the little boy at school that was a loner because he didnt want to go out and play incase anybody was to rough or a bully.

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Why call zyzz a paki raghead sand nigger he was no terrorist . Why brand the man in the original post as a moslim and basically catogorise a religion on his actings . This is not your country. Your too stupid to know what's good for this country hence the reason your racist bigoted opinions go no further than a hunting forum. Yes people who are fleeing to help IS the terrorist organisation fight should never be allowed back in Britain. But people as simple minded as yourself who I doubt would be missed very much by honest good people should be shipped off somewhere too. Also if you believe IS is that big a threat then the bbc has done its job well

If this is not our country who's is it?

my grandad served in the argiles he was torcherd and starved as a Japanese POW. my uncle William who served in northern ireland or my great uncle bill who gave his life in the RAF.

And millions more!

What did they serve for if this is not our country?

You seem to believe we have to put up and shut up about OUR country being flooded with skill less breeding scum (or even worse you like it) then sit round a fire and sing "come by ar" about it all.

What's happening is wrong on every level.

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