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Moslem Caught Out Lol

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So this lying piece of shit blames uk police police for driving his daughter to join isis, hugs a teddy bear on tv saying its all britains fault because his daughter got radicalised, then we get this



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So you don't see the irony in this episode at all then mate? Dads a radical, then, then plays the innocent victim when his daughter runs off to join isis, just what would they have to do to convin

So this lying piece of shit blames uk police police for driving his daughter to join isis, hugs a teddy bear on tv saying its all britains fault because his daughter got radicalised, then we get this



What a grade A piss taker!


Just lay back and basque in the multi-culturalism

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They should be deported ffs. I cant believe that most people wouldnt agree with kicking em out to isis. Instead well pay for them to live a decent life. Makes you think you might aswell do everything you can to earn money on the side for yourself. Got people going to work having to use foodbanks and pay taxes for the likes of these scumbags. Itll be funny if it wasnt true.

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we are to blame ! we haven't got a backbone any more -our gvmnts have slowly pegged us back to an acceptable level and it will never change -just carry on hating them [muslims & politicians] -its the best we can do lads

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I can't believe the cheek of these people. Protesting against the country, then moaning that the authorities haven't done enough to prevent their children from joining ISIS, which they probably support anyway.


It's about time this sort of thing is addressed and stamped out. Politicians and authorities probably want to do something about it, but are too scared of breing branded "racist", so just let it slip to avoid trouble. That's exactly what happened in Rotherham.


I'm all in favour of free speech, but look at Anjem Choudary. Spouting hatred against the country, then laughing because the taxpayer is effectively paying him to do it. Then there's Lee Rigby's killer being thrown into the mix aswell. They're just a bunch of hate-preaching, anti-British parasites, and something needs to be done.

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Are politicans that deluded? or do you think the majority wouldnt agree with kicking out this bloke n anjem? They work for us ffs. Get rid of em all n replace em and let the next lot know theyll be gone just as quick if they behave the same way. I dont have much hope though kids being abused is the worst crime in my eyes. Didnt see too much of a kick off over that. The news are alwaya biased and have an agenda..heard more abput clarkson than this b*****d.

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I also blame those that chant racist or bigot at anyone with concerns over Islam


There 2 or 3 on here


I even remember one posting a photo of some Muslim students and writing something like...yeah these are really coming for you


Well now they are

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