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Worst Dog You Have Ever Owned

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I've been reading the 'best dog's thread but thought I'd start this one as I'm sure everyone on here has had a duffer and here's mine to start off with. 3/4 grey x 1/4 border, she could get injured walking through an open gateway, mangled every rabbit she ever caught and had an annoying habit of throwing herself on her back, wrapping her legs around the lead and screaming the place down whenever walked in public. Can't say I was disappointed when she was eventually PTS aged 11post-90014-0-29969700-1427406981_thumb.jpg

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Saluki collie whippet (apparently) never found or caught any quarry and its little party trick was as soon as it was round a corner or over a brow of a hill out of sight it would go home. It tried it

Had a Golden Retriever as a young lad, Ben, by f**k he was a nightmare for fighting and wrecked a LOT of dogs, mostly GSDs. We had been fighting the kids on the next estate when a copper van stopped u

Not a lurcher but my 2nd sheepdog I thought I knew the job and and whent for something diffrent and got a kelpie. BIG mistake I've had more bad heads and sore throats with this dog than all my others

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  On 26/03/2015 at 22:19, offtheradar said:

I've been reading the 'best dog's thread but thought I'd start this one as I'm sure everyone on here has had a duffer and here's mine to start off with. 3/4 grey x 1/4 border, she could get injured walking through an open gateway, mangled every rabbit she ever caught and had an annoying habit of throwing herself on her back, wrapping her legs around the lead and screaming the place down whenever walked in public. Can't say I was disappointed when she was eventually PTS aged 11attachicon.gifFB_IMG_1427405507972.jpg

:laugh: like it :thumbs: , mine was my 1st lurcher beddy x whippetx grey, what ever a lurcher supposed to do , this piece of crap never did. he was hard mouth more than any bull x I had after, was deaf, unless it was dinner time lol, liked fighting, prefer to chase cats than rabbits,and liked to nip your hand in play fighting, he had hard-pad infection bad in his feet, treated him for 12 months , never got any better, feet kept splitting open , put him down 2 year old . and it was touch+ go if was ever going to get another lurcher after that prat, but I did and that was 30 years ago, and had few dogs in that time .but he was the worse :yes:

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Salukixgreyhoundxgreyhound the thing was like lighting but couldn't turn for shit would hunt up in day couldn't hear you till it felt like it i hated that dog absolute nightmare an one of days it decided to take its self for a walk ended up in kennels cost me abit to get the f***ing thing back thank feck it's gone.

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never owned a dog that didnt have a fault of some sort but i always tried to work with what i had which was below average on a good night but i remember 1 bitch she had her own agenda when running gear depending what mood it was in some nights i would of been better chasing the fecking things myself :laugh: frustrating wasnt the word and when it was in the mood it seemed to try harder on bigger things it was like it couldnt be arsed with rabbits so we parted company

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A first cross American Bulldog that i took on loan, shit scared of a 14lb fox but would do its level best to kill any smaller dog at any given opportunity... A fecking liability! We parted company...

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Not a lurcher but my 2nd sheepdog I thought I knew the job and and whent for something diffrent and got a kelpie. BIG mistake I've had more bad heads and sore throats with this dog than all my others put together. The first 6 month I had him we thought he was deaf turned out he just didn't give a toss what I had to say lol. He's now 6 or 7 and I've still got him he's the hardest dog I have though will work day and night and is never tired but won't listen to a word I say he thinks he runs the farm full of his own importance.


If he wasn't such a loveable dog he wouldnt still be hear but I've just learned to laugh at him now and we do get on a lot better. He's still a pain in the ass though but I wouldn't be without him

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My first ever dog,she had 2 owners before me when I bought her she was 6 months old,cost me £20,lurcherXlurcher I bought her with a spurious pedigree but back in exchange and mart days it was guesswork.Very greyhoundy,with a good turn of speed,her recall depended upon how deaf she was feeling on a particular day,her retrieve was half-hearted at best,and sometimes I wondered how her mind worked after reading in a Plummer book that boy and dog should be the ultimate hunting team,but to a 13 year old kid she was the world.She caught plenty of rabbits,wasnt bad with hare,ran alongside roe deer barking at them :laugh: wouldnt touch fox but killed the odd cat quickly :blink: was very good at rats and caught the odd pheasant,partridge and duck,I was abroad when i got the news my mother had her PTS at the age of 14,I was gutted.

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The worst dog I owned was also my best ... First day I got him as a 6 month old pup I had to walk nearly a mile carrying him as he didn't like the noise and people in Manchester city centre missed my train and had to wait 2 hrs for the next one

When he wasnt working he was the biggest pain going , whining in the kennel if he seen you out in the garden , whined at feed times , would shit on your feet lol pissed all over himself , wanted to fight Labradors and golden retrievers (no other breed of dog) out ferreting a rabbit bolted with the ferret close up its arse , the dog retrieved the ferret instead of going for the rabbit.. But all in all he was a good dog made me happy and put 100% in every time you took him out , sad day when he was pts at only 7yr old ..

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  On 27/03/2015 at 07:48, Bosun11 said:

A first cross American Bulldog that i took on loan, shit scared of a 14lb fox but would do its level best to kill any smaller dog at any given opportunity... A fecking liability! We parted company...

ive heard of lot of dogs as well paul over the years , that will kill cats, smash little dogs, but shit scared of foxes, got knows why as you say 14-20lb fox is bugger all to 40-70 lb lurcher , but they don't there strange animals dogs are . it just makes you think I reckon how tough them USA stags are, they will tackle and lock on to a yote that twice the size of a fox, and from what they say hell of a fighter , we could do with few over here make great fox dogs if there ever lifted the ban :yes:

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  On 27/03/2015 at 09:49, edrd said:

Mine was a pure deerhound of proper I got her at 8 weeks she turned out 32inch for a bitch she took fox and the odd hare she had as much brains as a soggy pea I remember she was running in a feild and ran into a telegraph pole pity it dident kill it she was bread right on paper but id been better wiping my arse way it we parted company I had a bedxgrey that sang better than Whitney Houston it got lead behind the I had a pure saluki that ran after a hare and was never seen again khan breading the next time I seen it was through a scope didn't stop for dust and a salukixgrey that eat everything it caught HYENA even fox eveyones had duffers there's a two pures two lurchers all now with gods little creatures lol

Just curious but where did you run a hyena?

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  On 27/03/2015 at 12:12, General lee said:


  On 27/03/2015 at 09:49, edrd said:

Mine was a pure deerhound of proper I got her at 8 weeks she turned out 32inch for a bitch she took fox and the odd hare she had as much brains as a soggy pea I remember she was running in a feild and ran into a telegraph pole pity it dident kill it she was bread right on paper but id been better wiping my arse way it we parted company I had a bedxgrey that sang better than Whitney Houston it got lead behind the I had a pure saluki that ran after a hare and was never seen again khan breading the next time I seen it was through a scope didn't stop for dust and a salukixgrey that eat everything it caught HYENA even fox eveyones had duffers there's a two pures two lurchers all now with gods little creatures lol

Just curious but where did you run a hyena?


dunstable downs lol

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