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Worst Dog You Have Ever Owned

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I had a first x saluki grey had him from.a pup didn't do anything different with him training wise than I have done with any lurcher and right from that magical first rabbit he ate everything he could catch he went for a long walk in the Orchard

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Saluki collie whippet (apparently) never found or caught any quarry and its little party trick was as soon as it was round a corner or over a brow of a hill out of sight it would go home. It tried it

Had a Golden Retriever as a young lad, Ben, by f**k he was a nightmare for fighting and wrecked a LOT of dogs, mostly GSDs. We had been fighting the kids on the next estate when a copper van stopped u

Not a lurcher but my 2nd sheepdog I thought I knew the job and and whent for something diffrent and got a kelpie. BIG mistake I've had more bad heads and sore throats with this dog than all my others

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First running dog I had. .a whippet bitch..she made some spectacular catches but lacked a "running" brain..overshooting a mile. .hitting cover flat out lol. .she was a lovely dog though got her a great pet home in the end. .atb sesku

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my dad brought me a adult lurcher to lurcher bred dog of a guy in the pub when i was 15. brindle dog called jinx caught 30 rabbits a night regular the bloke reckoned, what a fecking joke that was.


never known a dog like it in my life for barking even barked in its sleep. it would catch the first rabbit of the night and run to the other end of the field eat the head and just lie there until you walked over and fetched the rabbit. it did partly retrieve every rabbit after that. it wouldnt jump or run a hare. it wasnt long before me old chap was selling it to another guy in another pub :laugh:

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Mine was a pure deerhound of proper I got her at 8 weeks she turned out 32inch for a bitch she took fox and the odd hare she had as much brains as a soggy pea I remember she was running in a feild and ran into a telegraph pole pity it dident kill it she was bread right on paper but id been better wiping my arse way it we parted company I had a bedxgrey that sang better than Whitney Houston it got lead behind the I had a pure saluki that ran after a hare and was never seen again khan breading the next time I seen it was through a scope didn't stop for dust and a salukixgrey that eat everything it caught HYENA even fox eveyones had duffers there's a two pures two lurchers all now with gods little creatures lol

Just curious but where did you run a hyena?


dunstable downs lol


been chased off the gliding club at the bottom of the downs many a time in the old days,f***ing gut wrenching running up them hills il tell ya,never got chance to run a wallaby though lol

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Deerhound x Greyhound second cross, wouldn't run any only deer! Nothing, you needed no lead even one night I said I'd just bring him at foxes his 3 now so surely, while the other dog was doing the job on the fox he was lying down, 20min later I look around and he was gone, heard all this noise and clicked on the lamp to see 10 or so deer run straight at me, to say the least he did a good job on them, sold him that night to a lad, it suited hin to the ground and believe this he never did anything only deer! he bred him to a Greyhound bitch kept 2 pups and one of them would only do hares and deer no rabbits even and the other did it all! Had a whippet collie hound that would bark at them but didn't run after the rabbit was scared shitlees, she's next door by the fire now, never changed I tried! And plenty of dogs that jacked on foxes

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This guy. We've all heard of the 'runt' of the litter, this lad is the C**t of the litter.


He has a lovely nature but he's thick as a brick, screams like he is being murdered over every little incident like having his lead put on, getting jostled by another dog, being out in the dark, being out in the rain, scared of his own shadow but...


l've only just got him, he's only five months old and he has redeeming qualities, so there is hope ...



I also once had a saluki bitch who was a brilliant daytime dog, rabbits, pheasents, she could catch wood pigeons if they flew too low over her, but she took to savagely attacking my jack Russell bitch for no reason, seriously, the final time, my JRT ended up with 80 stiches and l got two broken fingers getting her out of Salukis mouth, so she was a good dog with very bad habit


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Mine was a bedlington terrier. Only thing he would chase was deer of all things!! The final straw was at nearly 3 year old. In one of feed bins at farm they was a couple of rats. When dog sniffed at one it reared up on it's back legs so terrier shat himself yelped trying to jump out. I describe the incident as like watching something from a cartoon!! Never seen anything like it before or since. The dog was given to a pet home!

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Had a jack Russell dog for about 6 hours......the dog knew me as it was a mates but took it out for a walk and it just looked at me and walked off and wouldn't come back. Never to be seen again. Strange dog that.

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Had a Golden Retriever as a young lad, Ben, by f**k he was a nightmare for fighting and wrecked a LOT of dogs, mostly GSDs. We had been fighting the kids on the next estate when a copper van stopped us and made the mistake of having a dog with them, Ben ragged it all over and the law came to the house to see our dog license! He used to follow me all over and just wait outside a house till I came out, sitting in my new girlfriends with her parents and theres a crash of broken glass in the patio and Ben fighting (now in the house!) with another GSD :icon_redface: Another time stood on the ramps at the local flats with my mates and someone whistled and he jumped straight over the barriers, about 20 foot high, looked down and he was like a cartoon spread-eagled on the deck, was fine though. He came home one day and someone had drew a big Swastika on his head in permanent marker, took some shifting. Went out one day and never came back, I was gutted and still cannot believe the things he did 35 years later.

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Mine was a fluffy type coursing dog could kill hare on any land but when walking it was a doughnut stone radjed and watched it one day scratching it's ear n fell straight over in pen and did this 3 times in a row so it had to go .... was a straight up idiot

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Oxo I had a springer like that I found him as a stray when I was a kid I brang him out with my mates dad shooting and the dog knew his job but was deaf as fook was always getting knocked down he was tough as fook could smash trough thick ice wasn't aggressive but seemed to always get into fights and he could fight one night a fella from the next estate let his to pits at him these were fighting dog's and levelled them I was sure he'd be killed but not mark on him another time I thought he was dead when he walked in front of a Lorry and it jack knifed which led to a small pile up the dog was thick as shit but loyal as fook would wate for days outside houses for me if I was in mates house and left trough back door

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