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Views On Shooting Foxes When Cubs Are About?

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I tend to leave them until I see the cubs out and appear to be fending for themselves, then shoot them too, however if a lot of stock is being taken, well you do what you have to ;)

I'm with you Charlie. I walk the lambing fields each morning, with a dog and gun to pick off the brazen ones. The hour of dusk with the rifle a couple of evenings deals with most.

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Bollocks, they 100% kill live, healthy lambs. If you lamb outside, foxes are a problem, but so are fecking badgers. Picked up two dead lambs this morning, born at last light, both healthy, well for

I tend to leave them until I see the cubs out and appear to be fending for themselves, then shoot them too, however if a lot of stock is being taken, well you do what you have to

If you spoke to most farmers, I'm sure that you would find the consensus to be "a fox is a fox". When livelihoods depend upon keeping a control on pests/vermin who would react any differently?   Eve

Their is plenty of time to take them but in some perms taking any fox at any opportunity is a must providing the shot presents itself. At the end of the day if I don't do it then the land owner will get someone who will


+1. I bumped into one of my landowners on Friday. He was out checking on his ewes and lambs. He hasn't had many lambs taken so far, but he made it clear to me ............ if I see a fox, then it was up to me to make it a dead fox! In my area there are plenty of other enthusiasts looking for land to shoot on, so for me to retain mine I have to make this choice. Not an easy one I agree, but that is just life for you.

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On my chicken perm, the fox guy just takes the shot. If not it could end up with hundreds of dead chickens before the morning. Foxes get cray bloodlust. On a dairy perm I have close to home, it's my call whether I want to bring a friend out with a .223 or .22-250 to go for them. But the farmer wouldn't care if I left them be. Some farmers just like to see them about. Others will lose masses of stock from just 1 fox, so letting the cubs grow up…could potentially lose much more.


How I see it…the farmer's land so the farmer's rules. I'll leave them if they don't mind them around. If they want them dead…I'll make it happen.


The moral dilemma is farcical. "Is it fair that the cubs starve?" is answered with "Is it fair that the ewe has it's child stolen from it?" Fair, kind, cruel, has nothing to do with it. These are human morals put into a wildlife-amoral-world situation.

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Just for the record, if I shot a milky vixen around my stock, chances are I would know where to look for the cubs, as I take pride in knowing the land, the wildlife and its ways. . . . and they would get dealt with.

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It isn't usually that difficult to find the dens, and nobody sets out with the intention of causing suffering.


I have land where foxes are an asset and we leave them, and land where they are public enemy No1.


There can be no sentimentality when a job has to be done!

Edited by Deker
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not my cup of tea too be honest , now is there time , but if the keeper rings and I can get away with it , I would relocate ,illegal or not , but if the keeper wants them shot then there is no choice , don't do it and loose the permission , I personally do whats instructed on shoots , I don't hold any grudge on keepers shooting cubs or foxes anytime of the year , that's there business , I would preserve anywhere else , and don't agree with publicizing killing cubs ,..........hate narrow minded people who think its clever killing fox cubs , any idiot can pull a trigger , takes a genius too trap and dig

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last time I shot a fox (not recently), it was because it had gotten into a hen run and had done quite a bit of damage and I was asked to cull it if the opportunity presented itself. About 15 minutes after I had taken the shot; three fox cubs came over the rise, looking for mum. Have to admit that did not sit well with me.


Probably should have taken them as well but I hadn't the heart for it. Big jelly baby I guess! :cray:

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Their is plenty of time to take them but in some perms taking any fox at any opportunity is a must providing the shot presents itself. At the end of the day if I don't do it then the land owner will get someone who will


+1. I bumped into one of my landowners on Friday. He was out checking on his ewes and lambs. He hasn't had many lambs taken so far, but he made it clear to me ............ if I see a fox, then it was up to me to make it a dead fox! In my area there are plenty of other enthusiasts looking for land to shoot on, so for me to retain mine I have to make this choice. Not an easy one I agree, but that is just life for you.


I don't know what it is,but the amount of times ive been lamping , and been lambs in the field I don't see any foxes..? gone different times ,different places were they got lambs there and still not see any foxes. now on other nights been out( not) lambing season , and seen few foxes. so when farmers say there loosing lambs to foxes Christ knows when there seeing them,? I know few earths have been dug and found parts of lambs in there fair enough , but regards actually seeing foxes kill lambs , ive never seen them do it.? and been at this lurcher game 30 years , and you think I see at least 1/2 dozen foxes in that time take a lamb, after all its easy meal for them you think, but never seen it.? just makes you wonder If they kill as many as famers say they do.!!

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