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Thanks to northernlite, hes gifting me a pup from his mating, all being well, i shall have a running partner for by bitch Nell, he wants em to go to working homes, and one here awaits, i always read

no long in growing 11 days old the first one eyes are starting to open a we black bitch

i was going to use this as my mode of transport, i mean, if i set off now, pups would be ready to go by the time i got theer, eh

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Thanks for the others of transport lads this is the way things should be here's hoping everything works out and she takes next week so far the offers of homes for the pups are great thanks for the pictures think paddy is a well proven stud and has produced decent dogs

No pressure Davey :laugh:

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Thanks to northernlite, hes gifting me a pup from his mating, all being well, i shall have a running partner for by bitch Nell, he wants em to go to working homes, and one here awaits, i always read his posts, to the point of stalking :laugh: he puts work in front of his dogs, so now i shall start to think of some names for the pup, so a very big thank you from me, to him, for considering me worthy of one of his pups

Well done Northernlite. You have made a great choice there mate

and made a fellow hunter a very happy man, i salute you sir SWG DAVE....

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couldnt get on the forum yesterday, my keyboard was knackered, but look lads, the offers of help you put in front of me, im stuck for words, thank you just isnt enough from me, sat here over a forum, just wish i could shake you by the hands, bit overwhelmed to be honest, if all goes to plan, this will be my second pup from a member of this forum, and they will never no, the joy nell has brought to me, i could tell in her first few outings with me in the field, she had the potentials, so to the best of my ability, i brought those potentials out of her, and now i have a decent working whippet, and now, i hope to do the same with the new pup, perhaps im being rather hasty here, but everything is ready for her, ive got myself a cage, sorted out my garden, so theres no escape routes, anyways lads, a very big thank you for the offers of help

keith :thumbs:

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