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funny stuff that happens

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just thought i would lighten the mood a bit...been reading the post about the unfortunate finger incident with the racoon :haha: whats some of the things that have made you laugh when out with the dogs?? me an my mate were walking up through school playing fields when we got to the other end we saw a local policeman who has made it his lifes ambition to catch anybody with a running/working dog doin somethin illegal..when he stopped us we protested our innocence an said we were just excercising the dogs off the leash when from out of knowhere my mates lurcher returns to dump a caught and very dead rabbit right at his feet in front of the policeman :doh: i just burst out laughing while my mate had a kinda worried look on his face :haha: 2 seconds before it he was reading us the riot act about poaching,tresspassing,etc,etc but even he found it funny an told us if he caught us again he would boot our arse's all the way home!!! :boxing: (we were still only young lads)...i'm 30y/o with a son of my own an this policeman is still working in our area an still after the lads with dogs....funny thing is he goes shooting not far from where we run our dogs regularly...so when we where young we used to go up early an chase away any ducks birds etc an then watch him an his mate stalkin around lookin for something that isn't there!! :haha::haha:

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i lost my car keys whilst out with my dog and my dad had to come pick me an my mates up and i had to get my car bought home next day


also my mates fallen down a ditch before and twisted his ankle when we crossed into another field


and when my pup was young and i started getting him used to cattle and horses he chased a horse and hung off its tail, lucky to be alive now though :notworthy:


when i was out with a couple a lads local my mates dog was chasing a rabbit and they ran straigt in front of me and my dog, it was wet and slippery and my dog pulled me flat on my face the boys didnt stop laughing


and once (pre ban) me and mates dogs caught a fox and the fox turned its head and bit the bottom of my trainer and he wouldnt let go and my dog shaked it pulling me to the floor, my mate filmed the whole thing it was well funny

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When i was just a lad,my mate and i would go and shoot pheasants by the light of the moon,honest :whistling: One night we were coming back in my mates car, with about a dozen pheasants,and 3 guns in the back.We were about a mile from home,when we spotted a police car,next thing we're pulled over and he's asking what we've been up to.We told him we had been shooting rabbits,and he asked if he could see them,he was just about to open the back of the car,when my mate says "mind the smell officer,those myxy rabbits don't half stink" to which the officer replied "oh leave it then,i'm feeling a bit ropey as it is" he checked my mates documents,and let us on our way. :)


Edited to say,we did have a lurcher with us.

Edited by bill88
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When I lived in Cumbria, I was walking one day from Coniston to Torver accompanied by my lurcher with my sketching materials over my shoulder in an old gas mask bag. Half way along my route, after emerging from a small wood by the side of the road, a police car pulled up alongside and asked what I had in my bag. He was obviously expecting something like, "two ferrets and a brace of coneys constable," but was obviously put out when I replied, "a sketch book and a tin of oil pastels!"

Edited by Neal
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was out coursing before the ban on a cold january morning and a few of us were walking some permission , we were well spread out and some of the lads that got runs ended up a field or 2 away , so one of the lads that caught a hare sat it nicely and made it look like it was sitting tight , about 10mkins later one of the lads aint had a run all day was desperate so we gave him a wave over and he ran over 2 fields faster than the dogs , are you sure he said ...you dont mind he said so he set off running to slip the dog on the hare as he got closer he started shooing the hare to make it get up but he was running that fast he ran right up to the hare and fell over it , he got up and thought he squashed it ....everyone fell over pissing themselves laughing

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Guest hare man
When I lived in Cumbria, I was walking one day from Coniston to Torver accompanied by my lurcher with my sketching materials over my shoulder in an old gas mask bag. Half way along my route, after emerging from a small wood by the side of the road, a police car pulled up alongside and asked what I had in my bag. He was obviously expecting something like, "two ferrets and a brace of coneys constable," but was obviously put out when I replied, "a sketch book and a tin of oil pastels!"

[bANNED TEXT] folks one day when we were oot coursing pre ban our dog was all over the hare the next thing we new the hare took a leap of faith into the middle of a dam the dog just swam oot and lifted it me and the boys could nae believe wat we had seen has that sort of thing happend 2 anyone on here


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me and rob-s where out checking some earths and we was checking some on a dyke and there was a streem at the bottom, it looked like the sandy stuff you can just walk on i knew it wasent but forgot to tell him. i jumped the dyke not thinking twice about rob then the next thing i turn around and hes up too his waist in mud water and slop i was fooking howling lol.

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