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Hori Hori Knives

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Hori Hori Knives are sold as general garden tool/knife. They are very good all rounder knives. Had mine from Amazon about £20


Always buy a knife at the charity shops for my mole work, still do occasionally always good to have a spare, just in case......... the amount of times I have gone to put trap in only to find that have left the knife/tools at last trap site

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Anyone used one before?

It blew me away regards it's capabilities with anything soil or root obstruction, local estate warden gave me an afternoon with it and Christ was I impressed. The japs know how to make steel that's for sure.



Hi,..I'm whacking in a fair old amount of traps,.so a cut down, stainless steel, Border Spade suits me fine,...but, I do have a Hori Hori knife,.and yes, I would agree ,..it realy is an extremely useful and capabal tool. ..

I keep mine close to hand , especially when setting alongside hedgerows, where the root system quite often causes an obstruction in the tunnel.


Ideal tool for the job.... :yes:

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