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  On 24/03/2015 at 22:33, nothernlite said:

Not a patch on Members of parliament

Bent coppers are opportunistic whilst bent politicians are both very well connected and protected.


Still they should all do serious time.

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  On 24/03/2015 at 22:43, maxhardcore said:

I think it's getting worse because across all spectrums of society peoples morals are lessening with every generation past

It's sped up over the last 20-30 years

It's a me me me Society we live in.

I don't think it's necessarily getting worse just more of its coming to surface due to better technology eg Internet, cctv, IT, etc and more scrutiny by it from journalists and whistle blowers.

Just go back through history and where there is man there is greed and corruption, Romans, old English royalty, the catholic church, all the dozens of dictatorships.

It just manifests itself differently through generations.

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  On 24/03/2015 at 23:34, timmytree said:


  On 24/03/2015 at 23:22, Hareydave said:

thieves liars rapists child molesters murderers there loads police officers been convicted of serious crimes an plenty that slipped the net

Just like in every echelon of society?

How many thieves, liars, rapists, child molesters and murderers have been put away thanks to honest policing?

If you got burgled, car got stolen, Mrs or kids got attacked would you call the police?

There's bad people everywhere Dave. Sometimes you have to trust someone.


sweeping serious crimes under the carpet to protect informers isn't in there job description but they do it every day..there not to be trusted

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Ease up, dont youse know they are all good guys that do a bloody marvelous job, that go round tackling sword wielding maniacs single handed. Heroes, every last one of them...



Shit, that young pig that got bird for informing/plotting on the jewelers robbery, even after 7 years bird, he still had the cheek to come out with "I still think I`m more good than bad, I done some great work for the force" What a self righteous wanker..

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  On 24/03/2015 at 22:43, maxhardcore said:

I think it's getting worse because across all spectrums of society peoples morals are lessening with every generation past

It's sped up over the last 20-30 years

It's a me me me Society we live in.


Its not just how society has gone Max, its the way society has been made to go, no accident or just coincidence, its all been down hill since thatcher for the working man, and i doubt its anywhere near the worst it will get yet ?

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