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its actually after they stop bleeding i meant , i know some lads who reckon there bitches run shite for weeks 6 or 8 weeks after the bleeding stops , due to milk and phantom pregnancy



Each bitch is different my old spaniel bitch used to go training every day she was in season, no change in her nature nor ability, where we have another bitch here that we leave util 2 or 3 weeks after her season has ended as she just mooches and switches off, they are all different :doh: which makes our life harder at times



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always took 6-8 weeks with the greyhounds when i was younger so they started the injection used to leave my black whippet of 2 weeks then just take her mooching after her bleeding . seen a bitch catch a good few days after she stopped bleeding so that would be my main worry .

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The danger time is not straight after a bitche's season is finished: it is about 6 weeks later, or aprox 3 weeks before she would have pups had she been mated. the body lays down a lot of fat including around the internal organs (this fat would see the bitch through if she were a wild animal and had to lay up with her new borns for a couple of weeks, maybe without eating if she has no mate). The sinews and ligaments also stretch and soften prior to giving birth and the muscle tone goes right soft: a lot more obvious in very sighthoundly lurchers.

This stage can go on until the imaginary pups are ready to be weaned! One of my bitches looks like a barrel of lard until her 'imaginary pups' would be about a month old. Some bitches do it more than others.

I don't reckon a bit of light lamping, ferreting or bushing is going to hurt a bitch in this state: its the real deal hare dogs that are expected to get 3 or more tankings on long ears each time they go out that really show a difference in performance: seen it time and again: their power just vanishes almost overnight, and though they may plod on a bit, and then some, they always look as though they're running on empty.

Hope this helps.

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