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Woman Killed By Dog In Cardiff

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Well ,.much as I abhor anthropomorphism and find folk who treat animals as humans to be a wee bit silly,.. The reality of the situation is,...some men are born bad,..and some animals appear to be th

It was once said that violence is the symptom of a frustrated mind: this was said about human beings. If you translate, loosely, this premise into dogs, it should come as no surprise that some breeds,

Temperament? I guess the question is whether you believe temperament can be inherited. And if so, can aggressive inclinations be handed down from parents? I think this can happen, I had a collie cross

God I hope its not a bull breed,they pin everything on them, its always the bad bad Dogs,dangerous dogs,no dog is born dangerous they are made that way, at least of late the law has pushed more towards the bad owners, That doesn't help to lass that lost her life though,

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Sadly this seems too be getting more and more common but there punishment for no training a dog and showing a bit of sense will never repay the fact somebody lost there life

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no dog is born dangerous they are made that way,

:laugh: Here we go again ........How romantic !
Dogs get labelled as mad or bad because folk can't understand a certain behavior

Guaranteed, this dogs nature as a high temperament breed wasn't been fulfilled


Hugely driven dogs in the wrong hands is an accident waiting to happen

Dogs don't just turn , they become like a ticking time bomb and unfortunately for this poor woman was in the wrong place when the dog finally boiled over,

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