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Shouldnt flies be dead by now or hibinate migrate or whatever they do its november !!!

Had a lovely hare the other day didnt want to hang it for more than a week because i accept

it is a tad mild, but thought seven days in a cool shed should be ok, well i did notice small

maggots round the head on day five, not to bothered and all the ingrediants for the jugged hare ready i began the

skinning, anyway half way through the fecking thing was wriggling iam not being squimish the head i could have lived with

but not the body :sick:

This is twice now quite recently this has happend so hanging on hold for a couple of months just wondered if hanging

game inside an onion bag or similar would work or just sweat the meat ?

ps the hare was not toataly wasted :whistling:

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Guest little_lloyd

I normally hang my pheasants for two weeks, i had a brace a few weeks ago that had maggots n in the first week and as i was in the middle of preaparing them they where moving :sick:

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I normally hang my pheasants for two weeks, i had a brace a few weeks ago that had maggots n in the first week and as i was in the middle of preaparing them they where moving :sick:

2 weeks? 2 fecking weeks? :sick: :sick:


I hang mine over night, as I cant be arsed to do them when I get back from beating :laugh:


Never understood hanging, I like my meat fresh not rotting thanks....

Edited by Hob&Jill
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Guest little_lloyd
I normally hang my pheasants for two weeks, i had a brace a few weeks ago that had maggots n in the first week and as i was in the middle of preaparing them they where moving :sick:

2 weeks? 2 fecking weeks? :sick: :sick:


I hang mine over night, as I cant be arsed to do them when I get back from beating :laugh:


Never understood hanging, I like my meat fresh not rotting thanks....


The more its hung the better for me!!


Tho ive shot them in the field before skinned and breasted them so quick the nerves are still going!!!! :yes:


It is extremely easy and much quicker to do it all in the field but you dont get the same taste from being hung :no:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Oh no! I'm with H&J all the way on this one! I mean; Eating Rotten meat?! :icon_eek: :sick: No offence to you guys who find something agreeable in it. But, to me ~ the one time I tried a " Hung " pheasent? It stunk like shit as it was cooking and then Tasted like it smelled as I cringingly forced myself to place a bit on my tounge! (* Shudders at the memory!*)


Anyway; Flies? All around us, 'Chip. Now and, damn good " Winter " not withstanding? We'll be stuck with them.


Still; Do wonders for the 'New Age' ferret keepers, eh? I'd invest in VetKillCompleteFerretDiet.com like, yesterday! ;)

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I was out on a shoot on saturday and the pheasants I brought home were gutted and skinned by 7oclock saturday night and I ate one of them on sunday. I like my meat fresh!! :D


However about the flies, just last night I was thinking to myself "havent the fecking flies died yet" after I was cleaning out the ferrets and the feckers had hidden part of a carcass from me under their ramp. Must have been there only a few days but there was feckin loads of maggots all over when I disturbed it. :sick: :laugh:

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