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RH - :thumbs:


Sussex - No, I have my own ears about the place now. . . . i'll find out soon enough. I've narrowed it down to a few people. What sucks, is at least one of them, I thought I got on with well.

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I'm going to see them tomorrow. I will find out who it was, and I will find out why they did it. And then I will decide my course of action lol.

sleep with his wife

When you find out who it is that hates you....give them something to hate you for.....

Mate I feel fuuckin awful for you. I have witnessed first hand the bullshit that can spread through your home and surrounding villages in an hour and destroy someone's reputation. Feckin b*****ds they are mate.


Keep ya chin up and as said buy/borrow a sheep, walk the smelly f****r with ya dogs and the sheep :laugh:;)

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Aye, but unfortunately it seems that when you keep lurchers, most of the time, folk are just waiting for it to turn out that ACTUALLY you are a wrong un and your dogs are the spawn of hell. Probably doesn't help that our sport is so full of idiots. . . . . but in your own community, after 30 years . . . . . you'd think folk would have kind of accepted you weren't a twat.


When I rang the farmer . . . . I was honest . . . . . how many sheep did you have maimed / hurt? None he said. Well you've seen my dogs. . . . . now if they had been loose on their own worrying your sheep. . . . . would there not be bodies to burn today? And why today, after all of these years would they suddenly be chasing your sheep? And by the way . . . . . they were locked in their fecking kennels He saw it as a fair set of points.

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ID get your ass into the local pub keep your mouth shut your ears open .dont let it grind you down ive had the grief when i was keepering its a fkn thankless job but you have time on your side ;) you know the game :thumbs:

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It's also sad. . . . but sooner or later, maybe someone will realise that it's a two way street. I was going down the road on the quad today. . . . . saw a ewe down in the field. Looked like Twin Lamb disease. . . . needed a jab of calcium and a drench of ketosaid. Normally i'd have jumped off and either phoned farmer and told him, or down it myself and let him know. This time I just kept driving . . . . . f**k em.


And next time there is a call to sort out a fox taking lambs, some rabbits eating the wheat, rats etc. They can sort it out themselves.


And the local pub can get t'f**k if they think they are having any more of my pork to sell as 'our very own pork sausages'. . . . . . . .


They'll learn. :yes:

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I know what you are saying mate. . . . . and i'm in two minds. I won't get all arsey and show off. But I can't decide if I'm best carrying on as normal and trying to prove them wrong or cutting them all out totally and just keeping to myself. My worry is for the dogs safety!.

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i keepered for about 4 years i worked for a ex formula 1 racing driver he had a few quid bought the country estate all the bollox, he was in london most of the time so i had the life of riley!!it was big hunting country veryhigh profile hunt royals used to hunt with them , them ba.ds weremy pain cos i was knocking charlies down by the dozen, they threatend me me with all sorts i just told them to get to fk they hated me and pulled some bad moves on me leki fences going missing allsorts , even the silly master blowing his hunting horn at meat 3 am in the morning cos i was clouting charlies down , and the biggest assholes of all were the hunt terrier men , till i went into the pub they used and had a word :laugh: luckey my gaffer was a good egg but thankless job better off being a keepers mate ,, you dont get the grief a keeper does . '


like i said before your a good kid while your there and its going right get a bad day and all hell brakes loose

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  On 22/03/2015 at 21:36, Ideation said:



It's also sad. . . . but sooner or later, maybe someone will realise that it's a two way street. I was going down the road on the quad today. . . . . saw a ewe down in the field. Looked like Twin Lamb disease. . . . needed a jab of calcium and a drench of ketosaid. Normally i'd have jumped off and either phoned farmer and told him, or down it myself and let him know. This time I just kept driving . . . . . f**k em.


And next time there is a call to sort out a fox taking lambs, some rabbits eating the wheat, rats etc. They can sort it out themselves.


And the local pub can get t'f**k if they think they are having any more of my pork to sell as 'our very own pork sausages'. . . . . . . .


They'll learn. :yes:

That's a bit shitty to be honest mate(don't want a row though :laugh: ),the sheep ain't the ones that did you harm and it would have gone in your favour if you had called him out as he'd know he was proper wrong about you and the dogs.

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  On 22/03/2015 at 22:00, fireman said:


  On 22/03/2015 at 21:36, Ideation said:



It's also sad. . . . but sooner or later, maybe someone will realise that it's a two way street. I was going down the road on the quad today. . . . . saw a ewe down in the field. Looked like Twin Lamb disease. . . . needed a jab of calcium and a drench of ketosaid. Normally i'd have jumped off and either phoned farmer and told him, or down it myself and let him know. This time I just kept driving . . . . . f**k em.


And next time there is a call to sort out a fox taking lambs, some rabbits eating the wheat, rats etc. They can sort it out themselves.


And the local pub can get t'f**k if they think they are having any more of my pork to sell as 'our very own pork sausages'. . . . . . . .


They'll learn. :yes:

That's a bit shitty to be honest mate(don't want a row though :laugh: ),the sheep ain't the ones that did you harm and it would have gone in your favour if you had called him out as he'd know he was proper wrong about you and the dogs.



Yer I have to admit, I did feel really sorry for the sheep. . . as i'm an animal lover. . . .and for the record, I did watch (my house over looks the land) and kind of know what time they check their sheep, so saw them pick it up and take it back to the yard. But my point is, I usually wouldn't even hesitate to do something to help my neighbours, and drop anything i'm doing to do so. And have never asked for anything in return other than to be left alone. . . . .


If I thought they were not going to get to her, i'd probably still have jabbed her (but said f**k all to them).

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this is a poor show, somebody needs a word. but you know that anyway!


personally, i would try to take absolutely no notice, and carry on as if nothing had happened. obviously whoever is doing this has no other way to get at you, so if this course of action doesnt appear to work then they either will lay off, or have to come up with something more blatant which in turn will be more likely to give them away.

and as a rule, these arent the sort of people to damage your dogs or property, rumour mongers are normally cowards.


hope you find em anyway, and dont let the c##t upset you

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