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Sly B*stards.

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I'm going to see them tomorrow. I will find out who it was, and I will find out why they did it. And then I will decide my course of action lol.

sleep with his wife

When you find out who it is that hates you....give them something to hate you for.....

Sounds like a bit of green eyed monster , jealousy is a big motivator for some sad ba*tards .. A demonstration of your dogs in among the sheep could help IF you can convince the farmer its just someone up to no good .Really hope you can sort it ..

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Aye, hopefully it'll get sorted, and i'd happily show anyone my dogs amongst sheep. But what really gets to me, is that folk I know would take someones word out of the blue, over the common sense, based upon knowing me for years and years.

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  On 22/03/2015 at 12:49, Ideation said:

Aye, hopefully it'll get sorted, and i'd happily show anyone my dogs amongst sheep. But what really gets to me, is that folk I know would take someones word out of the blue, over the common sense, based upon knowing me for years and years.

Which makes you about right that its someone who knows you both & someone the farmer obviously has a lot of trust in ...hard one to sort , that's for sure ..good luck with it ..


Ps ..these things often have a way of coming back to bite the arse of those sly gutless types ..they attract bad luck like flies round shite ..

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Brilliant news . . . . and yes. . . that IS sarcasm! Got a phone call earlier from a farm manager on a big local farm. . . . . . "I heard your dogs have been chasing and attacking xxx's sheep". . . . . . . "everyone in the village is talking about you / your dogs. . . . . i'd watch where you go, a few folk are gunning for them, no one tolerates stock worriers around here".


Fecking great.


Funny thing is . . . . I spoke to the farmer in question earlier, he is satisfied that my dogs were no where near his sheep, and in fact no dogs were, and no sheep had been chased or harmed.


But the story is now doing the rounds (whipped on by someone), is being talked about in the local pub etc. And funnily enough, the bullshit spreads far easier and further than the truth.


What a bunch of c*nts.

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Peter - I farm 50 ewes myself, going up to 100 this year hopefully.


I've also just finished keeping somewhere which has 100's of the bloody things. My dogs don't chase sheep . . . . . and anyone in their right mind should know that.


But I AM tempted to go into the pub car park, pen up a dozen of my ewes there, and stick the dogs in the pen and see which c**t wants to come and say something.


RH - I seriously hope it isn't, because if so, it might bring out my vindictive streak, and unfortunately the amount of damage I could do would be horrendous. I'd rather not, because i'm generally not a c*nt.

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  On 22/03/2015 at 21:09, Ideation said:

Peter - I farm 50 ewes myself, going up to 100 this year hopefully.


I've also just finished keeping somewhere which has 100's of the bloody things. My dogs don't chase sheep . . . . . and anyone in their right mind should know that.


But I AM tempted to go into the pub car park, pen up a dozen of my ewes there, and stick the dogs in the pen and see which c**t wants to come and say something.


RH - I seriously hope it isn't, because if so, it might bring out my vindictive streak, and unfortunately the amount of damage I could do would be horrendous. I'd rather not, because i'm generally not a c*nt.

they dont realize that mate ive been a single handed keeper i know the score :thumbs:

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