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I'm going to see them tomorrow. I will find out who it was, and I will find out why they did it. And then I will decide my course of action lol.

sleep with his wife

When you find out who it is that hates you....give them something to hate you for.....

  On 22/03/2015 at 21:36, Ideation said:



It's also sad. . . . but sooner or later, maybe someone will realise that it's a two way street. I was going down the road on the quad today. . . . . saw a ewe down in the field. Looked like Twin Lamb disease. . . . needed a jab of calcium and a drench of ketosaid. Normally i'd have jumped off and either phoned farmer and told him, or down it myself and let him know. This time I just kept driving . . . . . f**k em.


And next time there is a call to sort out a fox taking lambs, some rabbits eating the wheat, rats etc. They can sort it out themselves.


And the local pub can get t'f**k if they think they are having any more of my pork to sell as 'our very own pork sausages'. . . . . . . .


They'll learn. :yes:

One thing I've learnt mate; is don't burn your bridges..... :thumbs: :thumbs:

it will all come out in the wash....go and see the farmer face to face and get it all out in the open.....it might even be of some benefit to you.... :victory:

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  On 22/03/2015 at 21:09, Ideation said:

Peter - I farm 50 ewes myself, going up to 100 this year hopefully.


I've also just finished keeping somewhere which has 100's of the bloody things. My dogs don't chase sheep . . . . . and anyone in their right mind should know that.


But I AM tempted to go into the pub car park, pen up a dozen of my ewes there, and stick the dogs in the pen and see which c**t wants to come and say something.


RH - I seriously hope it isn't, because if so, it might bring out my vindictive streak, and unfortunately the amount of damage I could do would be horrendous. I'd rather not, because i'm generally not a c*nt.

i know your not but you come across as one :laugh: hope you get it sorted :thumbs:

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I have been thinking a bit about this, and I think I would ask every single person who has said anything at all about your dogs exactly who said it. You will get a lot saying they can't remember and all that crap, but really press them, don't accept that as an answer, and I'm sure a name or two will emerge.

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  On 25/03/2015 at 09:09, peterhunter86 said:

And all their kids Will be gingers lol

Hey now come on there fella, we're an ethnic minority who have integrated into society and most of us work, don't claim benefits or play the ginger card.


for the record we don't stink of piss. Lol

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