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Its good mate them japs treat our men to some horrible beatings

Japanese POW's suffered a hell of a lot worse than just "horrible beatings. They tested weapons on them, things like setting them on fire to see how long it would take them to die.


A truly horrible period of human history.

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Samuel L Jackson, in some self healing super human powers thing? If so I didnt rate it mate.

Think the one your thinking about was called unbreakable, had Bruce Willis in it as well? :D
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Its good mate them japs treat our men to some horrible beatings

Japanese POW's suffered a hell of a lot worse than just "horrible beatings. They tested weapons on them, things like setting them on fire to see how long it would take them to die.


A truly horrible period of human history.


I went to the Jeath museum in kanchanaburi in january,the site of the infamous bridge on the river kwai,some of the black and white pics of skeletal malnourished humans look as if they were taken in Belsen or somesuch extermination camp until you realise they are british servicemen,the thai guy there told me that its estimated a worker died for every sleeper laid,the japanese beat,beheaded,bayoneted or shot without compunction.

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Its good mate them japs treat our men to some horrible beatings

Japanese POW's suffered a hell of a lot worse than just "horrible beatings. They tested weapons on them, things like setting them on fire to see how long it would take them to die.


A truly horrible period of human history.


done right to nuke them horrible wee bstards

I went to the Jeath museum in kanchanaburi in january,the site of the infamous bridge on the river kwai,some of the black and white pics of skeletal malnourished humans look as if they were taken in Belsen or somesuch extermination camp until you realise they are british servicemen,the thai guy there told me that its estimated a worker died for every sleeper laid,the japanese beat,beheaded,bayoneted or shot without compunction.


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