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A Brief Summary Of My Latest Pigeon Shoot

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I don't really see why your giving the lad flack for this stuff? The lads getting out and doing a bit (on permission, which is better than me at his age) he's getting a few and trying to share it? Asking on here for permission lol fair enough not the best idea but it's the internet generation, (you can find anything on the internet lol) we used to put cards up in the local shop go free pest control? Rats mice, moles? It's just the way things are now. At least the lads out and doing instead of inside and stewing.

Good on you jairon and keep posting, if you keep doing the job farmers want you to do you will get more permission. The internet a wonderful thing but it doesn't make up for a personal introduction and a job well done ;)

Read the other posts he's been puuting up about the forums. He's already tried giving very dodgy 'advice' on the airgun forum to people who've been shooting for years before he was born. He's the apparent spokesman for a "team" calling themselves "How To Hunting". Yet his profile says he's only been out shooting with an air rifle a couple of times. :hmm:


I can respect any kid wanting to go out and get some permission and write up about his shooting. But this lad is coming over as a Walter Mitty sort and insults peoples' inteligence..


Excuse me... its not my team, im just a new member who started sharing anecdotes on the "adventures" me and the lads have... lets have no hate, come on, were all on here to talk about hunting and such and i gave Advice... meaning what i thought was best, sorry if it was to older people than me but theres no need to insult my inteligence:3


Well excuse me young fella but your sentences stating (Quote) "Here at How to Huntiing team...We..." Kind of gives the impression that you are indeed the spokesman on behalf of some great and good "Good Houskeeping Institute" airgun hunting team and the rest of us mere mortals now have a shining light to guide us....


I note also note you have changed your profile info from "shooting with an air rifle a couple of times" to "shooting loads of times".


As I said before, I'm all for a lad like you getting permission of your own and building your experience up and writing about it here. But you have gone about your initial posts in ways that have done you no favours whatsoever..


So now I'm going to get serious with you. Jairon and treat you like an adult from here onwards. I will not insult your intelligence when you can show me you actually have some and stop insulting ours.


You want Feral (F-E-R-A-L) pigeon shooting but you are not prepered to travel to find some and are only interested in bags of 18 to 20 or more. Swing shooting on a reflection of a pigeon in a barn mirror?? Are you seriously expecting anything respectfully better than the piss-take you got for this tripe?


Start by ditching the stupidly illiterate How To Hunting Team bullshit and start asking a few more questions, interact with other posts a bit more and post a bit less of the crap about the little you really, genuinely kinow. There isn't anyone here who will not take time out to answer any question you have. But don't for a minute start trying to offer advice unless what you have to say is sound as a pound genuinely true. The lads here really do kinow their stuff and have been at it far longer than you've drawn breath!


In short laddie, you treat me and others here with respect, and we'll treat you here with respect.


Okay? Good? Now start again.


All the very best young fella and looking forwarfd to reading posts that are actually based on genuinely realised experiences. Good, bad or however they turn out.




Edit to add.

We have some brilliant shooting for air rifle here in Lincolnshire. When you get your driving test passed and show you have a more mature approach, I'll get you some shooting with me here. And that'll open your eyes up to what you can really accomplish with an air rifle. The ball's in your court now. ;)

Edited by pianoman
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Pianoman, Im at your doorstep, i want to be enlightened with knowledge on hunting and such, if im being frank i only write as much as i do in detail to make a good read for someone to enjoy, its not all bull at all, as you would have it, im not having a go at you at all or anyone else.


I was asking about Feral shooting at a close distance becuase clearly i cant drive yet and id need a vehicle to get there with an air gun(my "taxi" dad obviously) i would only be going by myself or with my mate whose my age... do you see my point?



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