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Garmin Astro

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  On 20/03/2015 at 10:03, Wales1234 said:

Anyone know how to set it up I got the collars linked but won't let me use the compass and track two dogs the same time anyone know how it's done ?

PM DnN. He's the man with an Astro. Where did you get yours from? Seen some in EBay for a company in Peterborough...
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Read the instructions.....add the second dog. It will then do it automatically. Make sure the handset is calibrated but don't update it as there will be further problems as the bandwidth is banned in the UK.

If it's taking its time start a new hunt.......

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I bought one recently and all it said was frequency disabled or let me use the map but not the compass to find the dogs if you have a computer lead with it then plug it into computer to see what software it has on it in the folders if it's higher than 3.20 then you will have to perform a hard reset on it to downgrade the software there are sites that cover this topic on the internet

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