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16 Hens And No Frigging Eggs

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As said a cross like that your going to loose 30% eggs a year so three years old there done replace a third of them every year and you will get plenty eggs and a nice aged flock , At that age there only good for boiling when you see comercailly raised eaters getting the chop at 45 days

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Don't know if this is old talk but I've heard it said that the last thing your birds need is mown grass. Also vegetable peelings etc , unless boiled are a definite nono. You might find a white milky kind of slash instead of a solid crap. Smell the water. good luck pal. They'll be laying before you know it. Jok.

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  On 10/04/2015 at 16:32, jok said:

Bit harsh Courseadog. Could be one sitting wrong or getting comfy, fragile shell and hey presto. Free meal. I can't imagine anyone getting rid of the flock.Jok.

Once one starts they all at it and you won't stop them trust me culling is the only way and start again
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