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A Qustion ???

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Not sure about amax but if you look at superformance V-Max then it's still carrying enough energy and speed to kill at 500 yds (assuming it can still induce hydrostatic shock at those distances but the figures look good):




The real restriction is on your skill and what range you have the rifle zero'ed at. If it's eg zero'ed at 200yds, then 500yds becomes a difficult shot. Zero it further out then the drop becomes more manageable.


The only thing I feel that really needs pointing out is responsibility if shooting live prey - the long flight times can give the prey time to move and turn a deadly shot into one that wounds.

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If you want to get very technical with your shooting and you have the drop worked out for extended ranges, then you can dial in most shots. I wouldn't want to try and kill many Fox sized animals beyond about 400 yards with mine.


Your best bet is to try and find where the drop becomes unmanageable and put some targets at various distances between you and that distance then try shooting them.


At 500 yards, most .222 loads will be dropping about 50 inches below a 100 yard zero.

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at the risk of being shot down by THL massive.....

infact no..can the THL massive feck off>

ive seen a pigeon shot at a mige over 1000m with a .222

and while i havent owned my own .222 i had one as a estate rifle and did have a 223..and for long range steel shooting it was great fun!
get a hundred rounds and half a dozen steel crows out to 700, some chickens eggs at 4 and 5oom and your all set for a fun afternoon..

but for real first shot hits you need to do your home work and lots of it!


and as its been said you will run out before the rifle...

i had a full custom 22-250 and it was a stunning bit of kit one hole groups and shoot hens eggs every shot at 300m....but the nut on the but let it down

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I agree entirely Perthshire, the ballistics aren't the issue with the correct zero and at longer ranges the extended calculations.


The issue becomes one of humaneness of the shot on any other larger than a bird.


There's a claimed 1000yd shot at a target here with .222, and I doubt that's the absolute limit. However, when you have a 2-3 second flight time against a larger live target it becomes irresponsible.


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