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Sparrowhawk Too Busy Chasing Sparrow !

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I Don't Understand Anyone Not Liking Sparrow-Hawks . . Remember When Putting Pheasants /Partridge Down Its You Creating The Unbalance Of The Food Chain No Ifs Or Buts . . No One Likes The Mink For Its

Awwww........poor Sparrow.

Theres a vote this week to choose the national bird of britain the Barn Owl is one of those in the running,I used to keep them when i was a kid,ignominious end for that one which is a pity as they are

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Theres a vote this week to choose the national bird of britain the Barn Owl is one of those in the running,I used to keep them when i was a kid,ignominious end for that one which is a pity as they are beautiful birds.

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Theres a vote this week to choose the national bird of britain the Barn Owl is one of those in the running,I used to keep them when i was a kid,ignominious end for that one which is a pity as they are beautiful birds.


Love BOPs I think the kestrel or barn owl would get my vote closely followed by the peregrine

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Sparrowhawks are one of my all time faves... proper little fiery assassins


Peregrine is one of the most amazing things on this earth as far as i'm concerned... seeing one in action is one of the most memorable moments of my life.

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Sparrowhawks are one of my all time faves... proper little fiery assassins


Peregrine is one of the most amazing things on this earth as far as i'm concerned... seeing one in action is one of the most memorable moments of my life.

If you ever get the chance and you got a week spare at the end of spetember and you want to see an incredible bird of prey spectacle spend a week on Gibraltar,I guarantee you will over 1000 BOP's in a day,I dont know if peregrines migrate but I saw maybe 20 in a day,and hundreds of egyptian vultures,loads of osprey,montagues harriers etc.

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the fact, there are so many being killed on the roads nowadays indicates, a very,very healthy population and no reason why they should need to be protected anymore, back in 70`s /80`s DDT based poisons really did a job on there populations but since they were banned the populations have been slowly rising, but now we are experiencing an explosion in numbers. don't get me wrong i have a soft spot for birds of prey and have flown and bred most of them in my lifetime but just like any other predator, when its in a situation causing a problem to others then they need to be controlled. a fact that very few people are willing to accept. no different to rats,mice,squirrels,fox`s and badgers, thats a little musket by the way (male) and a male sparrow :laugh:

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the fact, there are so many being killed on the roads nowadays indicates, a very,very healthy population and no reason why they should need to be protected anymore, back in 70`s /80`s DDT based poisons really did a job on there populations but since they were banned the populations have been slowly rising, but now we are experiencing an explosion in numbers. don't get me wrong i have a soft spot for birds of prey and have flown and bred most of them in my lifetime but just like any other predator, when its in a situation causing a problem to others then they need to be controlled. a fact that very few people are willing to accept. no different to rats,mice,squirrels,fox`s and badgers, thats a little musket by the way (male) and a male sparrow :laugh:


Totally agree Paulus. I see more buzzards now than sparrows, total imbalance.

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