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Fond Memory's

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A couple of years ago I went out with the 22 to wait for a few rabbits to shoot for the ferrets. I was a warm summers night just loosing the sun I was sat down next to a five bar gate with the rifle just resting on it in the cover of the bushes. A few young rabbits appeared just grazing about 50 yrds exactly where I was expecting them. The grass was long I was watching through the scope not realy wanting to shoot them when I noticed the grass around 100yrds behind moving. I repositioned the rifle and waited. Then from the left hedge came a young fox cub bounding across to the rabbits chasing and scaring them back to the sanctuary of their humble aboad. Another fox came jumping from the long grass. Two lovely looking cubs with that fuuny orangey grey coat were about 50yrds away. I positioned to cross hairs on the first cubs ear. The other cub pounced and grabbed it's sibbling on its neck. I watched them play and chase each other for around 45mins it was amazing to see them I could of easily killed at least the one but it made me realise what's the point? It was causing no harm. The light was almost gone and they hadn't moved far in all the time I watched them. a croaking bark shouted from the distance and they scuttled off. I went back every night for the next two weeks and never saw them in fact I never saw another fox that season. Its a simple thing a most have seen it but its changed my out look on hunting not everything needs to die only those that are pests and they certainly weren't a best that summers night

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I have many good memory's from being in the field , I had no friends that where into hunting growing up and I've spent most of my hunting mooching with me dad or more regularly on my own as He's slowing down a bit now. Thinking back all my good memory's of hunting mooching ferreting nesting as a kid was with my dad . The barn owl in the old barn , the spar in the local wood ,the kingfisher on the river ,the bully and greenie nest on the lane , listening for the cock goldie singing on his favourite branch as his hen builds . It was all my dad that taught or showed it me.there simple things but their my fond memory's and I'll never forget them .

Edited by budharley
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When I was younger me and some mate's were swimming in the canal and a mink started swimming around us for a few minutes then when we were getting dressed it coming up close to us it had no fear of us. Another time I was walking through a ditch and I heard a commotion and when I looked it was a stoat and a magpie having a fight. There used to be an old bitch living in the fields that had had pups when they grew I got to see them work they where fantastic to watch

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Saw a polecat sprint across the road in front of the car with a half grown young rabbit in its mouth a few years back. Didn't even break its stride as it went up the bank the other side of the road. Also had a sparrowhawk chase a blackbird through a really small gap in the hedge at the side of the road, about 10 yards in front of where I was walking. Hell I jumped! :laugh:

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I was rabbiting with a .22Lr auto once on the edge of a field lying on my belly. After about an hour, I sat up to stretch my back, and sat against an open gate post. I just sat there watching the sun dipping down and I looked across the field to a large wood. I saw a roebuck come out into the field from the wood about 200 yds away, and started mooching around in the grass. As he moved, I realised he was grazing his way towards me, or rather the gate I was sitting next to. I was wearing DPM cammo jacket and Realtree trousers with a DPM bush hat. I sat stock still and waited to see how close he would get, as the wind was in my favour. I fully expected him to see me but he kept on coming and coming then walked straight through the gate. I reckon he came within six feet of me and never sussed it. When he'd gone into the next field I realised my heart was going like a trip hammer. You can say what you want about cheapie DPM ex army issue, it worked that day

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  On 16/03/2015 at 19:21, Ideation said:

Seeing a rabbit jump straight over a dry stone wall and thinking. . . . . well . . . . you certainly deserved to live!

I saw that for the first time a few weeks back twice. Didn't think they could jump that high tbh.
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About thirty years ago i was walking through a deserted chalkpit that was on some land i used to shoot, rounding a corner on the track i saw a rabbit sat about 8 feet in front of me, all of a sudden it started to squal and at the same time there was a brown flash darted out of some rocks about 4 feet from it. A weasel then jumped on its back and tried to bite the back of its neck, i shot forward and grabbed the rabbit as the weasel jumped off when it saw me, the rabbits eyes were wide open and the look of terror on its face, was something i wont forget, i could feel its heart pounding like a drum, and suddenly it just stopped and its eyes closed. When i skinned that rabbit there were 2 little marks on the back of its neck that had hardly broken the skin, i swear to this day that rabbit died of pure fear, and i have the greatest respect for those little hunters to tackle prey so much larger than themselves. :thumbs: ATB KIC.

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