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"clarkson Is Like Savile" Says Bbc Exec......

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The BBC has dropped a bollock with that headline a massive backfire lol , of course they'll claim it was taken out of context or they were miss quoted , but for me they knew what they were doing so the compared a nonce with Clarkson. Low move but hey there the Bbc what did I expect !

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Getting full drunk in the bar, then coming back an cursing an blinding at hotel staff, for no reason, then slagging the irish producer oooh lol an then busting his lip, he is a plonker, little boys like that need taken down a peg or two, that show will be fine without him, get a young lad in there that knows cars inside out an it will be gran, all three contracts run out shortly anyway,, as they say in russia, cheerio

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It's funny how the BBC never said anything about Saville when he was alive.....even though they knew about him....

Oh, wait a mo, they didn't just employ him as one of their luvies, they also protected him all through his life.....


I hope Clarkson sues the BBC........

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The BBC have a brass neck , savile's actions where covered up for decades , not knowing what part of savile's character the BBC are referring to , but I assume its relating to them both being arrogant self appointed demi gods ..........


If he had worked in any other industry he would have been dismissed for gross miss conduct , the blokes bearable at best , he pushed the boundrys & imo should be treated the same as the rest of us if we had punched another employee

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