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Had The Police Round Tonight!

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I went stalking last Saturday and bagged my first deer, compleatly legit, and bought the carcass from the estate, receipts to prove this. I had the carcasses (2 off as my brother and I got one each) hanging in my parents garage until Wednesday, when I decided id better butcher them due to temperature fluctuations (12-13c during the day and 2-3c at night) so butchered them up, wrapped and in the fridge, and I took the bones and pelts/hides home because our green bin gets collected on the Thursday BUT!!!! The bin men must of opened it for some reason and phoned the council/police/wildlife officer/environmental health ect ect ect!!! And now apparently the council want to fine me!!! But it clearly says in the leaflet about the bins that raw and cooked meat and bones should go in the green bin? Now I wasn't at home at the time, as I've been working long shifts since half my work burnt down at the weekend, and getting an early finish today I thought I'd take my new .410 hushpower out (gonna take some getting used to lol) so my wife sh*t herself after I'd only been gone 30 mins and the police knock on the door lol they must be thinking I've been poaching, looked at my little ginger prick of a cocker and asked if I used him for catching animals? She said yes ;) he is used for beating, and then had to explain what beating was etc etc so anyway what do people normally do with the bones that are left after butchering? On a personal consumption scale? Apparently they mentioned fallen stock!!! How can it be fallen stock ffs?

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He's picked most of the bones clean mate, and my mums Alsatian took care of what was left! There was only a few bones and the skins, and they only went in the bin as I've no freezer space and the bins were getting collected next day

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Its clearly not fallen stock if you shot it. Have you got insurace?

If it was me I'd contact my insurance, the council would whistle for a fine if that's what they state on their guidance sheet, (not sure what a green bin is as everywhere is different) and I'd provide the police with a photo copy of the receipt for the carcass.

Do you not know of anyone that Could use the bones etc? If not you could try local rescue centres dogs ferrets bops sure someone could put them to good use.

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I went stalking last Saturday and bagged my first deer, compleatly legit, and bought the carcass from the estate, receipts to prove this. I had the carcasses (2 off as my brother and I got one each) hanging in my parents garage until Wednesday, when I decided id better butcher them due to temperature fluctuations (12-13c during the day and 2-3c at night) so butchered them up, wrapped and in the fridge, and I took the bones and pelts/hides home because our green bin gets collected on the Thursday BUT!!!! The bin men must of opened it for some reason and phoned the council/police/wildlife officer/environmental health ect ect ect!!! And now apparently the council want to fine me!!! But it clearly says in the leaflet about the bins that raw and cooked meat and bones should go in the green bin? Now I wasn't at home at the time, as I've been working long shifts since half my work burnt down at the weekend, and getting an early finish today I thought I'd take my new .410 hushpower out (gonna take some getting used to lol) so my wife sh*t herself after I'd only been gone 30 mins and the police knock on the door lol they must be thinking I've been poaching, looked at my little ginger prick of a cocker and asked if I used him for catching animals? She said yes ;) he is used for beating, and then had to explain what beating was etc etc so anyway what do people normally do with the bones that are left after butchering? On a personal consumption scale? Apparently they mentioned fallen stock!!! How can it be fallen stock ffs?

Bones go to the dogs normally as do the feet. Usually very little gets left only the odd bit of hoof. The only thing I throw is the pelt usually. The head ends up in the bin usually once the ferrets have had first dibs on it. Pelt just goes in a plastic bag in the main bin

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AIr gun , If I had butchered two or three at a time I used to burn the bits , there's only so much you can store for the dogs , but it takes a serious fire to get it gone .If it was just the one I bagged it & binned it . Luckily know I have access to a proper incinerator . You must have been bloody unlucky to get a capture on your first one ..at least you get to eat the best bits mate ...

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mite be a long shot here but if they are classing it as fallen stock, because the estate have tickets for culls and have to dispose of any lairage or belly and bone parts responsibly! with the Enviromental Agency.... and since you purchased the animal now they have left the disposal up to you? look at the stalking ticket terms and conditions.....or could be just the police state we are unfortunately living in these days ... i wish you the best in your outcome though!

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If the bin men ever look in my bin they'll shit themselves! LOL


That's unlucky mate. I've never had any bother and I chuck dozens of carcases, skins and heads in mine. Hums a bit in the warmer weather, HAHA.

lol my ferrets used to thrive on flounders fresh from the beach, but hell I had to clean them out twice a day in the summer! Stank lol
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mite be a long shot here but if they are classing it as fallen stock, because the estate have tickets for culls and have to dispose of any lairage or belly and bone parts responsibly! with the Enviromental Agency.... and since you purchased the animal now they have left the disposal up to you? look at the stalking ticket terms and conditions.....or could be just the police state we are unfortunately living in these days ... i wish you the best in your outcome though!

The estate is under no obligation to dispose of any part of something you purchased why would they be?

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