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How To Occupy A Pup

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Ok so the 13 week old pup is on the go 24/7.

She lives in door with the run of the house with 2 other dogs, walked everyday sometimes twice for an hour which shes non stop.

Im keeping up with training sessions to further occupy her also.

So apart from the usual chews and squeeky toys what can i use to keep her occupied the rest of the time because shes a bit of a moaner when shes bored?

All helps apprechiated ?

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Is it ok to walk a pup that young twice a day for an hour a time? not an expert or anything just thought it would be too much for a growing dog.

Good question mate, but i figured if she can run for hours around the living room, iyd rather take her out to run about, i dont push her, she practically walks herself.
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google "behavioural enrichment", its the jargon they use in zoos etc for "giving the animals something to do". loads of ideas for puzzle feeders, toys, activities etc for animals.

any decent zoos take this very seriously now, to stop the problems they always used to have with bored animals with stereotypic behaviour issues

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Pups also need plenty of sleep , a hyper stimulated pup in the house is a liability , the pup is just reacting to its surroundings

Inside calm / outside play otherwise your just making a cross for your own back

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Pups also need plenty of sleep , a hyper stimulated pup in the house is a liability , the pup is just reacting to its surroundings

Inside calm / outside play otherwise your just making a cross for your own back

I'm pretty sure you've wrote this on a previous thread I read a while a go, I've got a 13 week old pup here myself & I have followed those rules & it's worked perfectly.......It dose depend on your circumstances though.

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When you walk the pup, use a long line or tracking lead (I've got a 50ft one). Im assuming you dont let a 13 week old off- lead yet.


While you're walking on the park especially, the dog is covering a longer distance than you, as it goes back and forth, zigzagging etc, and you can do some recall training at the same time.


A couple of mine loved playing with half a dozen aerosol lids threaded onto a bit of old rope.

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The idea behind the post is that dogs are energised by their surroundings, it's easy to see if your dog has ever caught a rabbit in a particular place in a field , ever after he will be energised/excited by that area,


It's the same in the home if you give a pup the run of the house to do as he wishes , it will become a play area apart from the fact that the constant noise and stimulation will keep him buzzing , the pup absorbs the excited atmosphere and must then act on the excitement in his own doggy fashion , biting , tearing , ripping shit up, the sad thing about it is , people start believing the pup is bad or evil because it starts nipping and biting other members of the house, when the whole fecking thing could have been avoided in the first place,

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